Yet another late night and my third update in less than 36 hours. Like every other all nighter I've pulled this semester (which is literally every other day), I am at a dead end trying to figure out the correct coding for my programming assignment... For my programming class, we are assigned an assignment each week which contains problems where we have to code to perform a certain task/function. These packets with the prompts are getting thicker...let's take a tally shall we?
Assignment #1
Assigned: August 31st, Due: September 11th
(11 days)
Pages: 5
Assignment #2
Assigned: September 11th, Due: September 18th
(7 days)
Pages: 6
Assignment #3
Assigned: September 18th, Due: September 25th
(7 days)
Pages: 10
Assignment #4
Assigned: September 25th, Due: October 2nd
(7 days)
Pages: 9
Assignment #5
Assigned: October 2nd, Due: October 14th
(12 days)
Pages: 10
Assignment #6
Assigned: October 16th, Due: October 25th
(7 days)
Pages: 18
If you couldn't tell, we are assigned a new assignment the day our previous one is due. These assignments haven't gotten any easier and at the same time, they are getting longer and longer (for the most part). It is a guarantee that at least forty-eight hours leading up to the due date, I get no sleep. My next one is due in seven hours yet I have barely finished a few problems. One of the parts deals with recursive functions, which are functions that call itself (in a loop). It is trial and error. If one command does not work, then try one after another. Essentially if you don't use the right commands, you could be going at it for hours on end to no avail...that is happening to me right now.
It doesn't help me that I had to turn in the past two assignments for this class incomplete...there are only seven weeks or so in the semester and I am struggling in all three of my technical courses...looks like I really need to pick up the game and get some help...some sleep would be nice.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Death and Taxes
Today is a big day for me; after much hesitation and struggle, I finally declared my minor in Theater & Performance Studies! For a long time, a part of me was conflicted in minoring in theater and also not falling behind in the classes I need to take for my major. Since the year started, I have a lot to consider and to think through in regards to academics, the ideal career, life, and certain personal issues.
This past weekend, I visited home for the first time after the second week of school; for the most part, it was good to see my parents again. I finally brought up the idea of minoring in theater to my parents. Suprisingly, they were somewhat receptive to the idea. Both of them mentioned that I should minor if I am interested, but also make sure to keep up with schoolwork. In addition, my mom added that although she is fine with me minoring, I can't major in theater, reasoning that I wouldn't be able to make money
I don't completely agree with her. A career shouldn't solely be about money; it should also be something one is passionate about. The key is to find the balance between following a passion and also having a well-paid job. As long as I'm not starving and going into poverty, I should be able to pursue what I want even if it isn't a high-paying job. For the most part, money isn't the key to happiness. It can definitely help with being happy, but it is also the cause of problems and arguments.
So my compromise is to major in engineering (pursuing a job as an Imagineer, I hope) and to minor in theater. That way, I can follow my interests in acting and not completely drown in the depths of science, math, and technology. It's only the first day...we'll see how everything turns out...
But in regards to the minor, I have shown some dismay with the department. I feel that they try to be too "innovative" and "cutting edge" and ends up failing in what it sets out to be. There isn't much variety in the styles of pieces which in turns shuts out a lot of possibility and appreciation for theater. More popular plays and musicals are never produced here on campus by the department. Because of this focus on this mindset of being innvoative, it draws on selected few who will take the effort to explore this theater. Thus, the appreciation for the arts and theater of campus is very selective. Very few people know about the department or choose to see shows. Let's hope my views of TDPS will change sometime in the next two and a half years and that I will end up eventually embracing theater on campus.
This past weekend, I visited home for the first time after the second week of school; for the most part, it was good to see my parents again. I finally brought up the idea of minoring in theater to my parents. Suprisingly, they were somewhat receptive to the idea. Both of them mentioned that I should minor if I am interested, but also make sure to keep up with schoolwork. In addition, my mom added that although she is fine with me minoring, I can't major in theater, reasoning that I wouldn't be able to make money
I don't completely agree with her. A career shouldn't solely be about money; it should also be something one is passionate about. The key is to find the balance between following a passion and also having a well-paid job. As long as I'm not starving and going into poverty, I should be able to pursue what I want even if it isn't a high-paying job. For the most part, money isn't the key to happiness. It can definitely help with being happy, but it is also the cause of problems and arguments.
So my compromise is to major in engineering (pursuing a job as an Imagineer, I hope) and to minor in theater. That way, I can follow my interests in acting and not completely drown in the depths of science, math, and technology. It's only the first day...we'll see how everything turns out...
But in regards to the minor, I have shown some dismay with the department. I feel that they try to be too "innovative" and "cutting edge" and ends up failing in what it sets out to be. There isn't much variety in the styles of pieces which in turns shuts out a lot of possibility and appreciation for theater. More popular plays and musicals are never produced here on campus by the department. Because of this focus on this mindset of being innvoative, it draws on selected few who will take the effort to explore this theater. Thus, the appreciation for the arts and theater of campus is very selective. Very few people know about the department or choose to see shows. Let's hope my views of TDPS will change sometime in the next two and a half years and that I will end up eventually embracing theater on campus.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My Current Playlist
Songs I absolutely CAN'T stop listening to....these five songs have been on my playlist and on endless repeat for the last three weeks or more...I have been recommending "Somebody to Love" to everyone.
1. Keep Holding On
2. Somebody to Love
3. It's My Life/Confessions, Part II
4. Halo/Walking on Sunshine
5. No Air
All by Glee Cast. The soundtrack (volume 1 -- five in total) will be out November 2nd. I have yet to pre-order it, which contains select songs from this first season. SO EXCITED to get it. Without a doubt, I will be listening to it on endless looping repeat.
More than one person has referred to the GLEE-ified versions of the songs as similar to "Kidz Bop". Quite the contrary. Well, I guess to give them credit, there is the similarity of both having an ensemble singing group, but the GLEE versions re-invent the songs and keep them upbeat, unlike "Kidz Bop". By the way, have you seen the music videos?? They are is literally kids in front of a green screen jumping around and doing motions...
There are plans for a music tour with the cast. If that happens, I AM THERE! -- no question about it. I'll probably be the sole college guy amongst a group of tweens. Whatever... In addition, Jonathan Groff will be starring in at least five episodes and Joss Whedon will be directing an upcoming episode!
Catch it every Wednesday 9/8c on FOX. I know, I sound like a commercial.
1. Keep Holding On
2. Somebody to Love
3. It's My Life/Confessions, Part II
4. Halo/Walking on Sunshine
5. No Air
All by Glee Cast. The soundtrack (volume 1 -- five in total) will be out November 2nd. I have yet to pre-order it, which contains select songs from this first season. SO EXCITED to get it. Without a doubt, I will be listening to it on endless looping repeat.
More than one person has referred to the GLEE-ified versions of the songs as similar to "Kidz Bop". Quite the contrary. Well, I guess to give them credit, there is the similarity of both having an ensemble singing group, but the GLEE versions re-invent the songs and keep them upbeat, unlike "Kidz Bop". By the way, have you seen the music videos?? They are is literally kids in front of a green screen jumping around and doing motions...
There are plans for a music tour with the cast. If that happens, I AM THERE! -- no question about it. I'll probably be the sole college guy amongst a group of tweens. Whatever... In addition, Jonathan Groff will be starring in at least five episodes and Joss Whedon will be directing an upcoming episode!
Catch it every Wednesday 9/8c on FOX. I know, I sound like a commercial.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Next Big One
As the 10th anniversary of the Loma Prieta quake passes, let us remember the deaths that occurred as a result. And with the next big one's imminent arrival, be prepared so we can minimize the damages and respond accordingly.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Long and boring
I have discovered that I seldom post on here; entries are separated my three or more week gaps. And when I do take the effort to write, my posts are long and lacking substance. My guess is that no one reads this blog...but why do I post on here? As I have said before, it's a way to gather my thoughts...and fantasize about my ideal life in an indirect way.
Lack thereof
The semester started nearly a month ago (and the rest of the UCs only start this week). Since then, school/academics has been keeping me busy. I am taking 16 units with three technical courses (physics, electronics, programming) and one humanities course. So far, the pace is manageable, but after the first midterm, everything will start picking up. It is bad enough having a physics problem set AND program coding both due on Friday. With that, a problem set for electronics is due every two weeks or so. Thus, I need to manage my time carefully.
With the organizations I have already joined, I had to re-evaluate my participation in each. This semester, even though it was a tough decision, I am putting Men's Chorale on hold. Mondays are busy enough with two labs and a total of eight hours of class from 9am to 8pm. It would be hard to fit rehearsal in the one-hour slot I have between physics lab and electronics lab. Besides, with my course load, I might not even be able to attend concerts, performances, gigs, etc.
Luckily, the requirements for Rally Comm and Rotaract are minimal. For the most part, I can participate as much as time allows. I have gone to one out of two football games...and I have yet to attend a volleyball game. Our team has been doing well, winning five consecutive matches thus far. The requirements for Rally Comm are the Homecoming and Bonfire Rallies while Rotaract requires two events per semester to be active. For now, I'll fulfill the minimum and do more as I have time.
The only time cruncher is Barestage. This semester I am part of the public relations committee. As of now, there are four of us altogether; a few more might be joining our team. Our task is to actively promote our group as well as upcoming auditions/productions to the campus. There are quite a few people to share the work, but it still requires my active participation with flyering and such. In addition, I'm marketing director for Brighton Beach Memoirs. Unfortunately, I won't be auditioning for any productions this semester. But I hope I will be able to next semester for Into the Woods.
For now, I just need to get through this semester. My lack of motivation isn't helping me with getting things done. It has gotten to the point where I will waste my time away doing nothing productive, which then adversely affects my academic performance. This became apparent while doing MasteringPhysics, an online program for physics problems. I ran out of time and hastily turned in the problem set somewhat completed. Because of my procrastination, I was pressed for time and did not have enough time to work out the problems myself. Each week I tell myself to start working and studying earlier, but it never happens. I know that if I don't pick things up, it will come back and get me.
It's getting late...around 2:30am. Must get back to work and figure out my problem set for electronics. This class has me going around in circles. I am having such a hard time understanding the's taking me such a long time to learn the material, yet I avoid doing the homework by going on the's gonna be a long night...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Back at Berkeley
A month has passed since my last post. Time sure does fly. So much has happened since then; the most significant being the start of a new academic year. As mentioned in my previous posts, summer was spent back in Berkeley taking summer classes, most specifically, organic chemistry. It has been a tough battle, but I was victorious the second time around. I used knowledge from the first encounter to my benefit, so it was slightly easier the second time around. Especially since the professor whittled down the material to the basics.
Anyways, I have been back in Berkeley for a week now. This year, I am living in campus housing: a double in Unit 2 Griffiths. The living conditions haven't been too shabby. My bed is currently lofted (it was like that when I got there), but I am most likely unlofting it. I am paranoid of injuring myself while climbing up and down to my bed when I am half-awake or half-asleep. Still need to talk to my roommate about that. And things are going pretty well with my roommate. He's fairly quiet. This past week, I've been so extremely busy with Welcome Week events, so I haven't been in the room all that much. I feel really bad for leaving him and not interacting with him much. This will change after this week is over. I hope.
This year, there is still empty space left in my closet and drawers! I've learned my lesson from last year and minimized what I brought to school. Let's hope it stays this way and I don't accumulate too much more stuff. It set me aback when moving out that I filled the entire Honda Odyssey with stuff from my dorm room. There was no free space besides a seat for the driver and a passenger. I am NOT going to let that happen again. This is just one of MANY things I learned from my experience at Berkeley this past year.
This year, I am looking forward to:
Anyways, I have been back in Berkeley for a week now. This year, I am living in campus housing: a double in Unit 2 Griffiths. The living conditions haven't been too shabby. My bed is currently lofted (it was like that when I got there), but I am most likely unlofting it. I am paranoid of injuring myself while climbing up and down to my bed when I am half-awake or half-asleep. Still need to talk to my roommate about that. And things are going pretty well with my roommate. He's fairly quiet. This past week, I've been so extremely busy with Welcome Week events, so I haven't been in the room all that much. I feel really bad for leaving him and not interacting with him much. This will change after this week is over. I hope.
This year, there is still empty space left in my closet and drawers! I've learned my lesson from last year and minimized what I brought to school. Let's hope it stays this way and I don't accumulate too much more stuff. It set me aback when moving out that I filled the entire Honda Odyssey with stuff from my dorm room. There was no free space besides a seat for the driver and a passenger. I am NOT going to let that happen again. This is just one of MANY things I learned from my experience at Berkeley this past year.
This year, I am looking forward to:
- more food options (not necessarily BETTER food though)
- using my meal points to get Peet's
- meeting my floor mates and hopefully getting along with them
- Theater 119: Asian/American Performance Across Media!
- taking more courses for my Acting and Performance Studies minor
- my technical courses (even though they're not THAT interesting, my professors seem to know what they're doing)
Things to be missed:
- late night at Foothill (still haven't tried steak plate)
- an ice machine, especially on hot days
On the other hand, there are things not to be missed:
- long treks up many flights of stairs, to and from Foothill to class, meetings, and any other event
- the lack of food options on North side (Foothill area)
- crappy food at Foothill
There is probably much more I'm missing on these lists...forgive me. I still need to finalize my class schedule for this semester. It depends on the lone class that I'm wait listed for. Once I get off the waiting list, everything will fall into place. For once, I am looking forward to taking my technical courses because all of my professors seem like they know what they're doing. In addition, they're all fairly interesting, especially my Asian/American Performance professor/class. In development...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Just saying...
...ochem is still in the pain in the ass. Can't wait to be over and done with it. The next exam is on Wednesday. Now, I'm slowly working my way through the material and hoping to understand it. Everything has mixed into this giant melting pot of reactions which I'm hoping will sort itself out (with some effort) in the next day or two.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
An Unexpected Warning
This past week I received a letter, but I did not personally receive it. Rather, it was forwarded to me by my dad. I wasn’t expecting to receive this letter and surely, this was not the manner I wanted to learn of it. The content of the letter shook me and this was the first time I understood the severity of the situation. Who knew that this could be happening to me?
This past year has been rough; it has been a whirlwind of a ride. College wasn’t all that it turned out to be. During the application process, I wanted to be over with it and get into a college. There was a lot of pressure from parents as well as myself to do well and I did not want to disappoint them. I was naïve in thinking that once I got into college, things would fall nicely into place.
I had always been hesitant to come to UC Berkeley in the first place; a part of me wanted to be far away from home in a different place, to start from a clean slate. A school where I wouldn’t constantly be followed by shadows from my past. In high school, everyone had known each other for so many years starting from middle school and even from elementary school. I felt like I had to conform to a mold that already had been laid out for me. There was no room to expand or grow and I was hoping to start over in college. However, it was difficult being so close to home (being only an hour away) and at the same time surrounded by so many peers from high school.
First semester consisted of weekly outings to San Francisco, my sole outlet to turn to whenever I needed to escape the frustrations of Berkeley. There was the occasional phone call to friends from high school, but that could only help to a certain extent. I joined several groups in hopes of making friends, but the effort was fickle. Luckily, the musical Spring Awakening was in the city and it was the one thing to keep my going. During the run of the musical here, I attended many performances to keep myself motivated. I barely got by in the fall and hoped that the following semester would be a little easier after the past several months of biting my way through courses.
Throughout the semester, I had second doubts of continuing with Bioengineering. A part of me enjoyed the biology aspect; a part of me enjoyed the technical aspect of engineering. However, I wasn’t so sure I enjoyed it as much when the two sides collided. When it came to choose classes for the spring, I decided to venture away from technical courses and explore the humanities to give myself time to decide.
January came and spring semester began. I was dead wrong in thinking that things would be any easier. Towards the beginning of the semester, a part of me was hoping for some change. Change came before I could even realize it. It all happened so fast; things started and ended quickly. It was a growing experience for me. During that time, there was a lot of exploration of myself and who I really was. Some issues had never come up before and I was left there trying to piece things together. There was a lot to consider and was an emotional time for me. A lot of questions left unanswered. I know I’m being vague, but it’s difficult to find the right words.
I tried to pick myself back up and had the musical to keep my mind busy. It took me a while to move on, but I had little time to dwell on all that had happened. However, during this time, I had met new people. A lot of new people. Little did I know that there would be one person out of many that I would ultimately turn to and that I would encounter another person along the way.
This semester, even though I was taking a lighter course load, for some reason, I was having even more difficulty than before which became more apparent as the semester went on. Classes were too much to handle even though I was taking several classes P/NP. Organic chemistry was a constant struggle. There was so much material to learn and I had no time at all. I also got cast in the musical, City of Angels, and rehearsals consumed a large chunk of time, especially towards the end of the semester. But it was my way to get through organic chemistry, my way of escaping the reality. I knew that I was falling fast. Sooner or later I would hit the ground. And it came by means of the letter.
After many rough nights with the help of my two friends, I somehow made it through the semester. I don’t know what I would have done without them. Many times I didn’t know where to turn, and I have had to rely on them to keep me going. I am very grateful that they have been very accepting and letting me be apart of their lives. There have been so many fun and interesting times getting to hang out with them. This summer would not have been the same if it weren’t for them. I constantly feel bad because I feel like I’m intruding on their live. There is so much more that I want to say, but can’t express myself properly in words.
If I want to continue on at UC Berkeley, I know that changes have to be made. I will need to get my priorities straightened out. Time management will be very important as well. I will need to find the balance between academics and life, making sure I do well in courses, but also setting time aside to be with friends. This upcoming semester will be crucial since my performance will ultimately decide the outcome. I disappointed many people along the way, including people very close to me. This shouldn’t have happened and I know things could have be different. I need to put the pieces back together and work harder. There are still many decisions left to be made, many questions left to be answered. It won’t get any easier, but I am determined to navigate my way out of this difficult situation.
I know this post probably made no sense at all, but this is my way of gathering my thoughts.
This past year has been rough; it has been a whirlwind of a ride. College wasn’t all that it turned out to be. During the application process, I wanted to be over with it and get into a college. There was a lot of pressure from parents as well as myself to do well and I did not want to disappoint them. I was naïve in thinking that once I got into college, things would fall nicely into place.
I had always been hesitant to come to UC Berkeley in the first place; a part of me wanted to be far away from home in a different place, to start from a clean slate. A school where I wouldn’t constantly be followed by shadows from my past. In high school, everyone had known each other for so many years starting from middle school and even from elementary school. I felt like I had to conform to a mold that already had been laid out for me. There was no room to expand or grow and I was hoping to start over in college. However, it was difficult being so close to home (being only an hour away) and at the same time surrounded by so many peers from high school.
First semester consisted of weekly outings to San Francisco, my sole outlet to turn to whenever I needed to escape the frustrations of Berkeley. There was the occasional phone call to friends from high school, but that could only help to a certain extent. I joined several groups in hopes of making friends, but the effort was fickle. Luckily, the musical Spring Awakening was in the city and it was the one thing to keep my going. During the run of the musical here, I attended many performances to keep myself motivated. I barely got by in the fall and hoped that the following semester would be a little easier after the past several months of biting my way through courses.
Throughout the semester, I had second doubts of continuing with Bioengineering. A part of me enjoyed the biology aspect; a part of me enjoyed the technical aspect of engineering. However, I wasn’t so sure I enjoyed it as much when the two sides collided. When it came to choose classes for the spring, I decided to venture away from technical courses and explore the humanities to give myself time to decide.
January came and spring semester began. I was dead wrong in thinking that things would be any easier. Towards the beginning of the semester, a part of me was hoping for some change. Change came before I could even realize it. It all happened so fast; things started and ended quickly. It was a growing experience for me. During that time, there was a lot of exploration of myself and who I really was. Some issues had never come up before and I was left there trying to piece things together. There was a lot to consider and was an emotional time for me. A lot of questions left unanswered. I know I’m being vague, but it’s difficult to find the right words.
I tried to pick myself back up and had the musical to keep my mind busy. It took me a while to move on, but I had little time to dwell on all that had happened. However, during this time, I had met new people. A lot of new people. Little did I know that there would be one person out of many that I would ultimately turn to and that I would encounter another person along the way.
This semester, even though I was taking a lighter course load, for some reason, I was having even more difficulty than before which became more apparent as the semester went on. Classes were too much to handle even though I was taking several classes P/NP. Organic chemistry was a constant struggle. There was so much material to learn and I had no time at all. I also got cast in the musical, City of Angels, and rehearsals consumed a large chunk of time, especially towards the end of the semester. But it was my way to get through organic chemistry, my way of escaping the reality. I knew that I was falling fast. Sooner or later I would hit the ground. And it came by means of the letter.
After many rough nights with the help of my two friends, I somehow made it through the semester. I don’t know what I would have done without them. Many times I didn’t know where to turn, and I have had to rely on them to keep me going. I am very grateful that they have been very accepting and letting me be apart of their lives. There have been so many fun and interesting times getting to hang out with them. This summer would not have been the same if it weren’t for them. I constantly feel bad because I feel like I’m intruding on their live. There is so much more that I want to say, but can’t express myself properly in words.
If I want to continue on at UC Berkeley, I know that changes have to be made. I will need to get my priorities straightened out. Time management will be very important as well. I will need to find the balance between academics and life, making sure I do well in courses, but also setting time aside to be with friends. This upcoming semester will be crucial since my performance will ultimately decide the outcome. I disappointed many people along the way, including people very close to me. This shouldn’t have happened and I know things could have be different. I need to put the pieces back together and work harder. There are still many decisions left to be made, many questions left to be answered. It won’t get any easier, but I am determined to navigate my way out of this difficult situation.
I know this post probably made no sense at all, but this is my way of gathering my thoughts.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Luck of the Draw
Last Wednesday after finishing up my ochem midterm, I decided to trek it over to the city and take the day off. I thought I might as well lotto for Wicked since I would already be around the area. Promptly at 5:30pm (since it was an 8pm show), I headed over to the theater, got my slip of paper and filled it out. All this time, I was on the phone with my friend Christina, informing her of what was happening. (She had won the lotto a week and a half earlier.) I placed my slip in the box and lingered until 6pm rolled around.
The time came and the usher drew out the names one by one, pausing for several minutes in between each pick. The lucky people bought two tickets each and soon only single seats were left. Many people refused the single seats because they wanted to sit next to their friends and family, but I didn't mind. It gave me one more chance of winning. All of a sudden, I heard the usher call my name. Christina had told me to let her know if I won. Without thinking, I yelled out "I WON THE LOTTO!" and jumped up and down to some laughter and chuckle, but I didn't care. This was my first time lotto-ing and I had won!! My mind was totally unprepared since I wasn't expecting to win the lotto. I paid my $25 and received my ticket. It was mind boggling to think that I would be watching the show that night. Most of my friends had all seen the show the previous weekend because of the July 4th discount, and this was my chance. I had seen the show for the first time back in March with my two friends.
The show was still spectacular the second time around. My seat was L 21 in the side orchestra. I wasn't able to see the action in upstage right, but then again, not much action occurs in that area. This time I saw the Teal Wicks as Elphaba and Glinda standby, Natalie Daradich in the lead roles. Last time it was Kendra Kassebaum and Vicki Noon. In addition, the understudies went on for Madame Morrible (Fiama Fricano) and midwife (Laura Dysarczyck). I like how Natalie has a higher voice than Kendra, but Kendra's a little more perky and "blonde" as Glinda. Teal was a great Elphaba; she has a fantastic voice, but I prefer Vicki. I don't know if it's because I saw Vicki as Elphaba first...
After both our experiences lotto-ing, Christina and I came to the conclusion that there's a phenomenon known as "solo luck". She lotto-ed for many times in groups for Wicked, but never won. However, the one time that she lottos out of the blue by herself, she wins. The same thing happened for me; I lotto-ed without any plans in mind and happened to win. So we think that there is a force or luck that helps you win when you go alone. This is just our speculation, but I don't know how well our theory holds up. :)
Did I mention that I received a button that says "I won the WICKED lottery!" for winning the lotto?
The time came and the usher drew out the names one by one, pausing for several minutes in between each pick. The lucky people bought two tickets each and soon only single seats were left. Many people refused the single seats because they wanted to sit next to their friends and family, but I didn't mind. It gave me one more chance of winning. All of a sudden, I heard the usher call my name. Christina had told me to let her know if I won. Without thinking, I yelled out "I WON THE LOTTO!" and jumped up and down to some laughter and chuckle, but I didn't care. This was my first time lotto-ing and I had won!! My mind was totally unprepared since I wasn't expecting to win the lotto. I paid my $25 and received my ticket. It was mind boggling to think that I would be watching the show that night. Most of my friends had all seen the show the previous weekend because of the July 4th discount, and this was my chance. I had seen the show for the first time back in March with my two friends.
The show was still spectacular the second time around. My seat was L 21 in the side orchestra. I wasn't able to see the action in upstage right, but then again, not much action occurs in that area. This time I saw the Teal Wicks as Elphaba and Glinda standby, Natalie Daradich in the lead roles. Last time it was Kendra Kassebaum and Vicki Noon. In addition, the understudies went on for Madame Morrible (Fiama Fricano) and midwife (Laura Dysarczyck). I like how Natalie has a higher voice than Kendra, but Kendra's a little more perky and "blonde" as Glinda. Teal was a great Elphaba; she has a fantastic voice, but I prefer Vicki. I don't know if it's because I saw Vicki as Elphaba first...
After both our experiences lotto-ing, Christina and I came to the conclusion that there's a phenomenon known as "solo luck". She lotto-ed for many times in groups for Wicked, but never won. However, the one time that she lottos out of the blue by herself, she wins. The same thing happened for me; I lotto-ed without any plans in mind and happened to win. So we think that there is a force or luck that helps you win when you go alone. This is just our speculation, but I don't know how well our theory holds up. :)
Did I mention that I received a button that says "I won the WICKED lottery!" for winning the lotto?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Who knew five weeks would pass by so quickly? In a blink of an eye, I am back in Berkeley taking summer classes. Luckily, the apartment I'm staying at is in a great location on north side of campus.
I survived my first day of ochem lecture and ochem lab. Only eight more weeks to go! This is my attempt to look at this situation in a positive attitude so I'll be able to get survive the next two months. The first exam is in two weeks from Wednesday. The second one is three weeks after that and the last exam is another three weeks later.
For some odd reason, I'm looking forward to spending the summer here at Berkeley, mainly because I have such great friends that make life much more enjoyable. A quick trip to IKEA turns into an excursion looking for decorative items. Yes, my two friends spent over $100 on decorations for their new apartment. A fifth of that was spent on wall stickers. Only they can manage to do such a thing. :D
After summer session is over, I have one week to recuperate and prepare to move back up for the fall semester. Here's to the next eight weeks!
I survived my first day of ochem lecture and ochem lab. Only eight more weeks to go! This is my attempt to look at this situation in a positive attitude so I'll be able to get survive the next two months. The first exam is in two weeks from Wednesday. The second one is three weeks after that and the last exam is another three weeks later.
For some odd reason, I'm looking forward to spending the summer here at Berkeley, mainly because I have such great friends that make life much more enjoyable. A quick trip to IKEA turns into an excursion looking for decorative items. Yes, my two friends spent over $100 on decorations for their new apartment. A fifth of that was spent on wall stickers. Only they can manage to do such a thing. :D
After summer session is over, I have one week to recuperate and prepare to move back up for the fall semester. Here's to the next eight weeks!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Last Week
This is my last week of summer since I start summer classes at Berkeley next Monday. So I've been rushing around trying to accomplish things before I leave like cooking, running errands, doing last minute shopping, etc.
On Sunday, I went to the Santa Clara International Invitational to see Michael Phelps and other Olympians. Kirsty Coventry, Ryan Lochte, and many Cal swimmers were competing as well. Two big security guards followed Michael Phelps wherever he went. There were rumors that he would sign autographs, but unfortunately did not. They didn't even allow cameras around him, so we ended up taking photos from behind the fence. In addition, from what we heard, people don't have a very good impression of him.
Since summer started, I've been meaning to cook, but have been too lazy. However, today for dinner, I made Italian Baked Chicken with Rotini. This was adapted from Giada De Laurentiis' recipe, Italian Baked Chicken and Pastina, that I found on Food Network's database. The dish turned out very successful and tasted very good too. Hopefully I'll be able to do more cooking in the next couple of days.
On Sunday, I went to the Santa Clara International Invitational to see Michael Phelps and other Olympians. Kirsty Coventry, Ryan Lochte, and many Cal swimmers were competing as well. Two big security guards followed Michael Phelps wherever he went. There were rumors that he would sign autographs, but unfortunately did not. They didn't even allow cameras around him, so we ended up taking photos from behind the fence. In addition, from what we heard, people don't have a very good impression of him.
Kirsty Conventry, Zimbabwean Olympic gold-medalist in 200m backstroke (world record holder)
400m backstroke - Michael Phelps is in Lane 6, the one with the white swimcap
Ryan Lochte doing an interview afterwinning the 400m backstroke
Michael Phelps getting checked
Cal swimmers - GO BEARS!
Since summer started, I've been meaning to cook, but have been too lazy. However, today for dinner, I made Italian Baked Chicken with Rotini. This was adapted from Giada De Laurentiis' recipe, Italian Baked Chicken and Pastina, that I found on Food Network's database. The dish turned out very successful and tasted very good too. Hopefully I'll be able to do more cooking in the next couple of days.
I'm heading up Friday evening/night. There is still things left to do. Laundry needs to be washed; my clothes need to packed once they're washed. Finish packing my possessions to bring up. This time I am limiting myself and bringing much less than what I brought back home. Let's hope I don't fill up another van moving back at the end of the summer.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
And All Shall Know the Wonder (Again)
A few days ago, to my surprise, I found out that SPRING AWAKENING IS COMING TO SAN JOSE! Something that I did not think was possible is now coming true!! It is coming to the Center for the Performing Arts in Downtown San Jose from October 28th to November 1st. I am definitely going to see it when it comes.
After AMTSJ closed its doors last year, I thought that it would take a while for musicals to return to San Jose. But I did not have to wait for long! Luckily, the Nederlander Organization worked with Team San Jose to bring Broadway tours to the city. The organization operates theaters in New York City, San Diego, Los Angeles, and many other cities across the nation. The inaugural season includes MONTY PYTHON'S SPAMALOT, SPRING AWAKENING, RIVERDANCE, AVENUE Q, and LEGALLY BLONDE. Although the shows will only be playing for a week each, it is a start and I am hoping that attendance and demand will increase thus resulting in longer stays.
Because of the rarity of Broadway tours in San Jose and the closure of AMT, my hopes of Spring Awakening coming to San Jose, let alone Bay Area, were slim. After I learned about this news, I called all my friends to notify them of the good news and to hopefully bring them along.
After AMTSJ closed its doors last year, I thought that it would take a while for musicals to return to San Jose. But I did not have to wait for long! Luckily, the Nederlander Organization worked with Team San Jose to bring Broadway tours to the city. The organization operates theaters in New York City, San Diego, Los Angeles, and many other cities across the nation. The inaugural season includes MONTY PYTHON'S SPAMALOT, SPRING AWAKENING, RIVERDANCE, AVENUE Q, and LEGALLY BLONDE. Although the shows will only be playing for a week each, it is a start and I am hoping that attendance and demand will increase thus resulting in longer stays.
Because of the rarity of Broadway tours in San Jose and the closure of AMT, my hopes of Spring Awakening coming to San Jose, let alone Bay Area, were slim. After I learned about this news, I called all my friends to notify them of the good news and to hopefully bring them along.
Looking at the dates of my previous posts, I've noticed that I have a habit of posting at the beginning of the month and at the end of the month. Rarely in the days in between. I don't have a clue why that happens, but it does. Today happens to be in the middle of the month which breaks a pattern. Hopefully I'll post more often in the future.
Anyways, it's been four weeks since my last final. I can't wrap my mind around that, but considering that I stayed in Berkeley for most of the first week and I was gone to LA for another week, it makes sense. Since my return from LA, I have been able to hang out with many of my friends. There have been many (and I mean MANY) trips to the mall... visited The Tech Museum, watched The Hangover (more on this later), dined at Buca di Beppo (YUM!), and reminisced at the park on the swings.
For me, summer ends in less than a week. I return back to Berkeley on Friday/Saturday because classes start bright and early on Monday. I'll need the few days to adjust and hang out before the madness starts again. Ironically, I am looking forward to spending the summer in Berkeley, but not that excited about taking another organic chemistry course. From what people have told me, the campus is much more empty than during the regular academic semester. It'll be a nice change of pace. In addition, I am excited to spend time with my friends and hopefully be able to accomplish all we have planned including visits to the city, cooking, among other things.
Anyways, it's been four weeks since my last final. I can't wrap my mind around that, but considering that I stayed in Berkeley for most of the first week and I was gone to LA for another week, it makes sense. Since my return from LA, I have been able to hang out with many of my friends. There have been many (and I mean MANY) trips to the mall... visited The Tech Museum, watched The Hangover (more on this later), dined at Buca di Beppo (YUM!), and reminisced at the park on the swings.
For me, summer ends in less than a week. I return back to Berkeley on Friday/Saturday because classes start bright and early on Monday. I'll need the few days to adjust and hang out before the madness starts again. Ironically, I am looking forward to spending the summer in Berkeley, but not that excited about taking another organic chemistry course. From what people have told me, the campus is much more empty than during the regular academic semester. It'll be a nice change of pace. In addition, I am excited to spend time with my friends and hopefully be able to accomplish all we have planned including visits to the city, cooking, among other things.
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Brief Interruption
I just realized how rediculously long my previous post was...well anyways. Here's the summary:
I've been here since Saturday with Men's and Women's Chorale. We were around Hollywood and Santa Monica and did some awesome street performances. Right now, I am at UCLA until Saturday. Tonight (Friday), I will be watching the theater deparment's production of Anything Goes. I am quite excited because I don't know much about the show and also becuase my friend's roommate is on the production team.
I should also mention that I forgot to bring my memory card reader so I haven't been able to upload any photos while on the trip even though I have my laptop. I'll do that once I get home (hopefully if I'm not lazy). All is going well and I am enjoying my summer immensely. So much in store for the next couple of weeks, but it's a nice change of pace. I'm looking forward to it even though the plan involves summer school.
Until next time!
LA Trip: Part One [From Hollywood & Vine...]
I am on summer vacation! :D It feels great. For the past two weeks or so, I've accomplished quite a lot: hung out with friends, went shopping in San Francisco...twice (but didn't purchase anything either trip), moved out of the dorms (and in the process filled the ENTIRE minivan. There was no room left over.), and now am enjoying life in Los Angeles. First with the UC Chorales and now with the cool kids of Fir 4.
Day 1: Saturday, May 23, 2009
I've been here in LA since Saturday and will be leaving this coming Saturday. Since we arrived until Tuesday afternoon, I was with the chorales. The drive down from Berkeley was much faster and more pleasant than I expected probably because I was with the singers. We stayed at the Hollywood Downtowner Inn on Hollywood Blvd. The place is less glamorous than it sounds, but not too bad for the most part. Everything seemed to be in working order and fairly clean. A few people "didn't exist" because we overbooked the rooms to save money and didn't want the front desk to know what we did. It worked out fine in the end, but there was some sneaking around at the beginning. I ended up rooming with Katie, Lily, Esteban and Tyler.
We at dinner at Buca di Beppo at Universal City Walk. The food was AMAZINGLY good. They serve family-style Italian food meaning the plates are passed around and shared. I loved the eggplant parmigiana (sp?), the stuffed mushrooms, and the salmon with pesto. YUM! When I go back home, I am going to the one in Campbell. It is sort of price-y though so I'm planning to bring people along with me.
Day 2: Sunday, May 24, 2009
Breakfast was at the Cafe Transylvania adjacent to the motel. The owner claimed it was "The Best Breakfast in LA". I'm not so sure about that claim, but I have to say that the breakfast was pretty good compared to other complimentary breakfasts I've experienced. They served pancakes, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and sausages or bacon.
We had a few gigs around the area and did quite a lot of singing. Sunday consisted of early morning rehearsal and gigs at 3rd Street Promenade and the Santa Monica Pier, both of which were fun. The weather was nice: sunny, but not too hot with a slight breeze. It was nice being on the beach again. My previous time at the beach was at the beginning of the year with Fir 4 at the same exact place except this time there were much more people. Nonetheless, our gigs were quite successful. There were many spectators that hopefully enjoyed the performances. During our down time, I walked around the promenade with Patrick. We grabbed some Pinkberry and went to the Apple Store. I was so tired that I fell asleep there for about 15 minutes or so.
Later that night we enjoyed a complimentary dinner at Mo's Burgers (courtesy of Men's Chorale funded by our gigs throughout the year). Each burger was gianormous. The bacon and avacado did not stay on top my lopsided large beef patty. The burger was quite delicious and the patty was cooked just right. Luckily we did not have to pay for this dinner since the average burger costs there costs around $11.50 to $11.95. Fairly pricey. Afterwards we headed back to the motel and most of them went on to watch Star Trek. I stayed back since I was extremely tired. Katie had left so Jordy joined our room.
Day 3: Monday, May 25, 2009
The days sure flied by quickly. I was having so much fun. We spent another day at the beach, but it took FOREVER to get there. I sat in Patrick's car and we followed Stacy's car around Los Angeles. Little did we know that the LA Marathon was going on and a lot of the streets were closed as a result. Thus, we went around in circles and could not reach the highway. It was totes redic and so frustrating!
This time at Venice Beach. Yes, the famous Venice Beach where a lot of films and TV shows have been filmed. However, it's not that spectacular of a place...the beach is dirty, but a lot of cool vendors and such. We did some singing and had someone join us with some of her "interpretive dancing". It was quite interesting watching her join along with our songs...This time I took a nice short nap at the beach. It was very relaxing and looking forward to going to the beach again and next time taking a longer nap... :D Hopefully at a cleaner beach with not so many people.
Dinner was at a Thai restaurant called Yai's. They had to accommodate for a party of twenty-six...and did so very promptly. The service was pretty good and the food came quickly. Mark, Lily, Katie, and I decided to order dishes and share them. Mark got the catfish salad, I got the ginger chicken, Lily got the wild boar with eggplant, and Katie got the glass noodles with seafood (calamari, fish cake, etc). All the dishes were very good. There was a nice balance between the four. The catfish salad was quite unusual. It was fried in this web type thing and served with apples. It sounds peculiar, but tasted great. Also, the wild boar was quite delicious too. Not as exotic as it sounds...tastes pretty much like any other meat.
Afterwards, a group of us took a late night Hollywood tour. We rode the Metro from our hotel down to the touristy part of Hollywood Blvd: the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Grauman's Chinese Theater. Our main purpose of the trip was to sightsee the different stations. Apparently, the Metro stations on the red line are unique and designed by a local artist. Along the way we looked at all the stars and handprints and footprints of the celebrities dating back to the 1930s and 1940s. It was an awesome experience at night time because there were very few tourists and you could take as long as you want. We also sang impromptu at the Hollywood & Vine station. The acoustics of the station were great. We had a few spectators and onlookers. :D I wished we had more spontaneous singing...these are always the funnest.
We stayed up until 4am having a ball. The night consisted of Psychiatrist (with Mark as the psychiatrist of course) and lots of Jazz Circling. It was hilarious seeing Mark trying to figure out what our ailment was. He was SO confused because the answers were so random and some fit the question so well. :D We went on doing numerous Jazz Circles taking different quotes and lines and dissecting them and adding new rhythms and harmonies. Choralists just make life so much more interesting because you're brought together by a common bond: singing. It's such a great feeling when you're making music together and when everything falls into place. It's a feeling that other people just don't understand.
Day 4: Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This was our last day and our last gig. It was a Sherman Oaks Galleria, a really nice shopping/business complex. There was a good number of people that stopped to hear us sing since it was during lunch time, but not too much foot traffic. It was a fun experience and also sad because it was our last performance together on this trip. I parted ways and Patrick took me to Westwood and UCLA campus with Esteban (who had to get home on the train which wasn't scheduled to arrive for three hours) and Robert's brother. I stuffed myself on my first meal. It was such a long time since I had a good dining commons meal. I took advantage of the opportunity. :D
Later that night, I ended up playing Extreme Spoons with the floor. It's basically a turbo version of spoons. You set the spoons on another patch of ground separate from where you're playing the game. And once someone gets four of a kind, you have to run over and fight to get a spoon. We played outside on the grass and I won two out of the three rounds. Two of those rounds I was dueling against Rachel.
Day 5: Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The day basically consisted of me going to DSW with Sharon, but getting misled on the way because of bad/misunderstood directions. So we ended up going through the residential area and going around in a circle. Also went to DSW and I grabbed some In-n-Out for dinner. I know! I'm so jealous that they have an In-n-Out right next to campus. If they would only open up in Berkeley, they would generate so much business from all the students, but stupid politics and no large franchises and retailers. So how did McDonald's end up infiltrating Berkeley? They should just replace that with In-n-Out. Much more healthy and friendly to everyone.
Sharon needed shoes for banquet and I just browsed around not looking for anything in particular. In the end, she put a pair of black heels on hold and I put two Converses (both on sale!) on hold. I needed some time to make a decision if I wanted to get one or the other or both or neither. I decided to ask around for other opinions to justify my decision.
Day 6: Thursday, May 28, 2009
I sort of lost track of time...but it's been a great experience here at UCLA with the cool kids of Fir 4. I ended up going to geography with Sharon. The lecture topic was plastic surgery and ADHD with some mention of lifestyle and malls at the beginning. The class was quite interesting. The professor/instructor talked about how plastic surgery has changed over the years and how there's more and more aesthetic surgery going on as compared to reconstructive surgery. He also went on talking about ADHD and the use of medication and how it's creating a lot of controversy...I didn't see much of a connection between these topics and geography, but nonetheless it was extremely interesting to me.
I grabbed lunch at Ackerman since Jessica couldn't hang out...again. :( She had a paper to work out. Hopefully next time! And I couldn't believe how many options there were in Ackerman. they have all sorts of food options like Panda Express, Rubio's, Sbarro, Wetzel's Pretzels, Wendy's, Jamba Juice, Taco Bell, Greenhouse and so much more. This would never be able to happen in Berkeley. People would be protesting how most of these are franchises and they don't care about sustainability blah blah blah, as seen in the case of Panda Express this past semester. I ended up getting a Santa Fe Steak Salad from Greenhouse. It was really good and packaged in a clear special compostable plastic bowl with a lid. Haven't seen that before.
When I went to DSW to purchase the shoes on hold, I stumbled upon a hurdle. They had my two pairs of Converses, but not Sharon's heels. I was ready to blow a fuse. Seriously? The lady put it on hold for us until the next business I went around the clearance section for nearly half an hour looking for it to no avail. I ended up looking back behind the counter again and saw that it was on hold except that the lady switched our hold tickets so of course they couldn't find it because the heels were listed under my name... Such terrible service. I ended up caving in and buying the shoes. If they had lost Sharon's shoes, I would have just left without purchasing anything.
Dinner at the dining halls was Cajun night, but they couldn't swipe guests in so I grabbed some Mr. Noodle which sells a bunch of different Asian dishes. The food wasn't too bad, not as good as Thai Basil though...and since Diddy Riese was next door, I got an ice cream sandwich. It was SOOO AMAZINGLY good. I got chocolate chip cookie and chocolate chip with walnuts cookie with cookies 'n cream ice cream. I was in love. <3 Yes. I did have the ice cream sandwich before I had dinner. Before I leave, I am getting four dozen to bring back home. The cookies are SOOOOO good. :D
At around 10:00pm or so, I played some tennis on a school night with the floor. Seriously? Yes indeed. It was quite fun since not everyone has played tennis so we just ended up hitting the ball back and forth. And tennis is one of the sports that doesn't come back to you...different from riding a bicycle or driving car. I wish it did though.
I have one full day left at UCLA and then I had back to the Bay on Saturday! I will be watching Anything Goes put on by Department of Theater. I'm quite excited to see it and my friend's roommate is on the production team so it should be good! :D Before I leave, I also need to get some Coffee Bean.
Day 1: Saturday, May 23, 2009
I've been here in LA since Saturday and will be leaving this coming Saturday. Since we arrived until Tuesday afternoon, I was with the chorales. The drive down from Berkeley was much faster and more pleasant than I expected probably because I was with the singers. We stayed at the Hollywood Downtowner Inn on Hollywood Blvd. The place is less glamorous than it sounds, but not too bad for the most part. Everything seemed to be in working order and fairly clean. A few people "didn't exist" because we overbooked the rooms to save money and didn't want the front desk to know what we did. It worked out fine in the end, but there was some sneaking around at the beginning. I ended up rooming with Katie, Lily, Esteban and Tyler.
We at dinner at Buca di Beppo at Universal City Walk. The food was AMAZINGLY good. They serve family-style Italian food meaning the plates are passed around and shared. I loved the eggplant parmigiana (sp?), the stuffed mushrooms, and the salmon with pesto. YUM! When I go back home, I am going to the one in Campbell. It is sort of price-y though so I'm planning to bring people along with me.
Day 2: Sunday, May 24, 2009
Breakfast was at the Cafe Transylvania adjacent to the motel. The owner claimed it was "The Best Breakfast in LA". I'm not so sure about that claim, but I have to say that the breakfast was pretty good compared to other complimentary breakfasts I've experienced. They served pancakes, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and sausages or bacon.
We had a few gigs around the area and did quite a lot of singing. Sunday consisted of early morning rehearsal and gigs at 3rd Street Promenade and the Santa Monica Pier, both of which were fun. The weather was nice: sunny, but not too hot with a slight breeze. It was nice being on the beach again. My previous time at the beach was at the beginning of the year with Fir 4 at the same exact place except this time there were much more people. Nonetheless, our gigs were quite successful. There were many spectators that hopefully enjoyed the performances. During our down time, I walked around the promenade with Patrick. We grabbed some Pinkberry and went to the Apple Store. I was so tired that I fell asleep there for about 15 minutes or so.
Later that night we enjoyed a complimentary dinner at Mo's Burgers (courtesy of Men's Chorale funded by our gigs throughout the year). Each burger was gianormous. The bacon and avacado did not stay on top my lopsided large beef patty. The burger was quite delicious and the patty was cooked just right. Luckily we did not have to pay for this dinner since the average burger costs there costs around $11.50 to $11.95. Fairly pricey. Afterwards we headed back to the motel and most of them went on to watch Star Trek. I stayed back since I was extremely tired. Katie had left so Jordy joined our room.
Day 3: Monday, May 25, 2009
The days sure flied by quickly. I was having so much fun. We spent another day at the beach, but it took FOREVER to get there. I sat in Patrick's car and we followed Stacy's car around Los Angeles. Little did we know that the LA Marathon was going on and a lot of the streets were closed as a result. Thus, we went around in circles and could not reach the highway. It was totes redic and so frustrating!
This time at Venice Beach. Yes, the famous Venice Beach where a lot of films and TV shows have been filmed. However, it's not that spectacular of a place...the beach is dirty, but a lot of cool vendors and such. We did some singing and had someone join us with some of her "interpretive dancing". It was quite interesting watching her join along with our songs...This time I took a nice short nap at the beach. It was very relaxing and looking forward to going to the beach again and next time taking a longer nap... :D Hopefully at a cleaner beach with not so many people.
Dinner was at a Thai restaurant called Yai's. They had to accommodate for a party of twenty-six...and did so very promptly. The service was pretty good and the food came quickly. Mark, Lily, Katie, and I decided to order dishes and share them. Mark got the catfish salad, I got the ginger chicken, Lily got the wild boar with eggplant, and Katie got the glass noodles with seafood (calamari, fish cake, etc). All the dishes were very good. There was a nice balance between the four. The catfish salad was quite unusual. It was fried in this web type thing and served with apples. It sounds peculiar, but tasted great. Also, the wild boar was quite delicious too. Not as exotic as it sounds...tastes pretty much like any other meat.
Afterwards, a group of us took a late night Hollywood tour. We rode the Metro from our hotel down to the touristy part of Hollywood Blvd: the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Grauman's Chinese Theater. Our main purpose of the trip was to sightsee the different stations. Apparently, the Metro stations on the red line are unique and designed by a local artist. Along the way we looked at all the stars and handprints and footprints of the celebrities dating back to the 1930s and 1940s. It was an awesome experience at night time because there were very few tourists and you could take as long as you want. We also sang impromptu at the Hollywood & Vine station. The acoustics of the station were great. We had a few spectators and onlookers. :D I wished we had more spontaneous singing...these are always the funnest.
We stayed up until 4am having a ball. The night consisted of Psychiatrist (with Mark as the psychiatrist of course) and lots of Jazz Circling. It was hilarious seeing Mark trying to figure out what our ailment was. He was SO confused because the answers were so random and some fit the question so well. :D We went on doing numerous Jazz Circles taking different quotes and lines and dissecting them and adding new rhythms and harmonies. Choralists just make life so much more interesting because you're brought together by a common bond: singing. It's such a great feeling when you're making music together and when everything falls into place. It's a feeling that other people just don't understand.
Day 4: Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This was our last day and our last gig. It was a Sherman Oaks Galleria, a really nice shopping/business complex. There was a good number of people that stopped to hear us sing since it was during lunch time, but not too much foot traffic. It was a fun experience and also sad because it was our last performance together on this trip. I parted ways and Patrick took me to Westwood and UCLA campus with Esteban (who had to get home on the train which wasn't scheduled to arrive for three hours) and Robert's brother. I stuffed myself on my first meal. It was such a long time since I had a good dining commons meal. I took advantage of the opportunity. :D
Later that night, I ended up playing Extreme Spoons with the floor. It's basically a turbo version of spoons. You set the spoons on another patch of ground separate from where you're playing the game. And once someone gets four of a kind, you have to run over and fight to get a spoon. We played outside on the grass and I won two out of the three rounds. Two of those rounds I was dueling against Rachel.
Day 5: Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The day basically consisted of me going to DSW with Sharon, but getting misled on the way because of bad/misunderstood directions. So we ended up going through the residential area and going around in a circle. Also went to DSW and I grabbed some In-n-Out for dinner. I know! I'm so jealous that they have an In-n-Out right next to campus. If they would only open up in Berkeley, they would generate so much business from all the students, but stupid politics and no large franchises and retailers. So how did McDonald's end up infiltrating Berkeley? They should just replace that with In-n-Out. Much more healthy and friendly to everyone.
Sharon needed shoes for banquet and I just browsed around not looking for anything in particular. In the end, she put a pair of black heels on hold and I put two Converses (both on sale!) on hold. I needed some time to make a decision if I wanted to get one or the other or both or neither. I decided to ask around for other opinions to justify my decision.
Day 6: Thursday, May 28, 2009
I sort of lost track of time...but it's been a great experience here at UCLA with the cool kids of Fir 4. I ended up going to geography with Sharon. The lecture topic was plastic surgery and ADHD with some mention of lifestyle and malls at the beginning. The class was quite interesting. The professor/instructor talked about how plastic surgery has changed over the years and how there's more and more aesthetic surgery going on as compared to reconstructive surgery. He also went on talking about ADHD and the use of medication and how it's creating a lot of controversy...I didn't see much of a connection between these topics and geography, but nonetheless it was extremely interesting to me.
I grabbed lunch at Ackerman since Jessica couldn't hang out...again. :( She had a paper to work out. Hopefully next time! And I couldn't believe how many options there were in Ackerman. they have all sorts of food options like Panda Express, Rubio's, Sbarro, Wetzel's Pretzels, Wendy's, Jamba Juice, Taco Bell, Greenhouse and so much more. This would never be able to happen in Berkeley. People would be protesting how most of these are franchises and they don't care about sustainability blah blah blah, as seen in the case of Panda Express this past semester. I ended up getting a Santa Fe Steak Salad from Greenhouse. It was really good and packaged in a clear special compostable plastic bowl with a lid. Haven't seen that before.
When I went to DSW to purchase the shoes on hold, I stumbled upon a hurdle. They had my two pairs of Converses, but not Sharon's heels. I was ready to blow a fuse. Seriously? The lady put it on hold for us until the next business I went around the clearance section for nearly half an hour looking for it to no avail. I ended up looking back behind the counter again and saw that it was on hold except that the lady switched our hold tickets so of course they couldn't find it because the heels were listed under my name... Such terrible service. I ended up caving in and buying the shoes. If they had lost Sharon's shoes, I would have just left without purchasing anything.
Dinner at the dining halls was Cajun night, but they couldn't swipe guests in so I grabbed some Mr. Noodle which sells a bunch of different Asian dishes. The food wasn't too bad, not as good as Thai Basil though...and since Diddy Riese was next door, I got an ice cream sandwich. It was SOOO AMAZINGLY good. I got chocolate chip cookie and chocolate chip with walnuts cookie with cookies 'n cream ice cream. I was in love. <3 Yes. I did have the ice cream sandwich before I had dinner. Before I leave, I am getting four dozen to bring back home. The cookies are SOOOOO good. :D
At around 10:00pm or so, I played some tennis on a school night with the floor. Seriously? Yes indeed. It was quite fun since not everyone has played tennis so we just ended up hitting the ball back and forth. And tennis is one of the sports that doesn't come back to you...different from riding a bicycle or driving car. I wish it did though.
I have one full day left at UCLA and then I had back to the Bay on Saturday! I will be watching Anything Goes put on by Department of Theater. I'm quite excited to see it and my friend's roommate is on the production team so it should be good! :D Before I leave, I also need to get some Coffee Bean.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Swings on BART
I check Gizmodo, a blog about gizmos and technology, about once or twice a day using Google Reader. And today, while browsing through posts from the past couple days, I found the following link...
Pranksters Install Swings on BART Public Transit System in San Francisco
After seeing this post, I am tempted to ride the BART to see if the swings are still there. Installing swings on BART is a great idea. Wonder why no one else has done this before. You get a push whenever the train starts slowing down. It makes the trip so much more interesting and enjoyable...
Pranksters Install Swings on BART Public Transit System in San Francisco
After seeing this post, I am tempted to ride the BART to see if the swings are still there. Installing swings on BART is a great idea. Wonder why no one else has done this before. You get a push whenever the train starts slowing down. It makes the trip so much more interesting and enjoyable...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Back to the routine
1:05am sitting in Main Stacks trying to study organic chemistry.
Three weekends, one preview, ten performances, much dancing, singing, laughter later, City of Angels is now over. It is time to go back to the daily routine of waking up and not knowing what to do for the rest of the day. Rather, worrying about studying, but not actually doing anything productive.
It was an amazing experience working on City of Angels. Looking back, it comprised of my entire second semester...all the way back to auditions the last week of January until now. What a ride! It was great getting to spend time with such talented cast members. Not letting anything get in the way. Each rehearsal was fun and different. I was always looking forward to going to rehearsal because I never knew what to expect.
Before every performance with Sabrina while she was doing her hair. The dance parties before, during and after the show. Singing and acting along to the songs while the other actors were on stage. Prop and set mishaps...
Now that it is over. I am starting to return to not having any motivation to study or do anything at all. Rehearsals and performances kept me going. It took up so much time, but looking back, it was worth every minute of time and every ounce of effort. To think that I originally was hesitant about committing myself to the production. For once, I made the right decision.
On the other hand, I put my academics aside and have much to catch up on. Academics essentially were of little concern. I am still working on finding the balance between academics and doing a show. It is still a learning process.
There are only three weeks left until finals. Time to start learning the information! Not much time left.
Three weekends, one preview, ten performances, much dancing, singing, laughter later, City of Angels is now over. It is time to go back to the daily routine of waking up and not knowing what to do for the rest of the day. Rather, worrying about studying, but not actually doing anything productive.
It was an amazing experience working on City of Angels. Looking back, it comprised of my entire second semester...all the way back to auditions the last week of January until now. What a ride! It was great getting to spend time with such talented cast members. Not letting anything get in the way. Each rehearsal was fun and different. I was always looking forward to going to rehearsal because I never knew what to expect.
Before every performance with Sabrina while she was doing her hair. The dance parties before, during and after the show. Singing and acting along to the songs while the other actors were on stage. Prop and set mishaps...
Now that it is over. I am starting to return to not having any motivation to study or do anything at all. Rehearsals and performances kept me going. It took up so much time, but looking back, it was worth every minute of time and every ounce of effort. To think that I originally was hesitant about committing myself to the production. For once, I made the right decision.
On the other hand, I put my academics aside and have much to catch up on. Academics essentially were of little concern. I am still working on finding the balance between academics and doing a show. It is still a learning process.
There are only three weeks left until finals. Time to start learning the information! Not much time left.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
If found, please return
It is 4:44am and I just finished energy audit report. It was quite an accomplishment. Even though homework tonight took twice as long as I hoped, I finally got it done. To motivate myself, I'm creating a list of incentives to indulge in once this semester is successfully over. There is still o-chem left blocking my way. If I can conquer that hurdle, I will be a free man.
1. Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
2. Monterey Bay Aquarium
3. movies
4. Stanford Shopping Center (because sometimes I like to feel rich)
5. Exploratorium
6. San Francisco Zoo
7. Academy of Science
8. Wicked
9. UCLA (Sharon/Fir 4)
10. Disneyland
and the list continues...
1. Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
2. Monterey Bay Aquarium
3. movies
4. Stanford Shopping Center (because sometimes I like to feel rich)
5. Exploratorium
6. San Francisco Zoo
7. Academy of Science
8. Wicked
9. UCLA (Sharon/Fir 4)
10. Disneyland
and the list continues...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Tech rehearsal is taking forever. We're in our third hour with three more hours to go. I am getting extremely restless. It doesn't help that my laptop battery only lasts an hour now. It only charges to 43% capacity because it's shitty like that. In addition, there are NO plugs in our rehearsal/performing space. We have a short break and I'm trying to charge my laptop so I can survive tech without falling asleep.
Tech rehearsal is taking FOREVER. We're running every single scene and adjusting and adding the lights. I'm sure I'm not the only that can't sit through it. It's so difficult to get through. There are a total of 40 scenes in the entire show. By the 2.5 hour mark, we only went through six scenes. Rehearsal today is six hours. Six hours, forty scenes. YOU do the math.
But I really need a new computer. In the beginning, I really hoped and wished for a MacBook...the ingenious designs and amazing media software (iLife - iMovie, iPhoto, GarageBand, etc.) At this point, however, I'm not asking for something really fancy especially since the economy is doing poorly and the unemployment rate is at its highest in a quarter of a century. A netbook would be just fine. I just need a device that can do word processing and surf the web.
I'm extremely tired and suffering from lack of sleep. This is going to be my life for the next month. I have no time to waste at all especially since both my finals are next week. Right now, I'm just trying to get through things little by little and keeping positive about this entire situation I'm in. I'm really glad I stuck with doing the show. The entire cast has a great time. We dance and sing and do crazy things in our down time. There is a lot of amazing talent and it's gonna be a great show. Until next time...(if I'm still alive, that is)
Tech rehearsal is taking FOREVER. We're running every single scene and adjusting and adding the lights. I'm sure I'm not the only that can't sit through it. It's so difficult to get through. There are a total of 40 scenes in the entire show. By the 2.5 hour mark, we only went through six scenes. Rehearsal today is six hours. Six hours, forty scenes. YOU do the math.
But I really need a new computer. In the beginning, I really hoped and wished for a MacBook...the ingenious designs and amazing media software (iLife - iMovie, iPhoto, GarageBand, etc.) At this point, however, I'm not asking for something really fancy especially since the economy is doing poorly and the unemployment rate is at its highest in a quarter of a century. A netbook would be just fine. I just need a device that can do word processing and surf the web.
I'm extremely tired and suffering from lack of sleep. This is going to be my life for the next month. I have no time to waste at all especially since both my finals are next week. Right now, I'm just trying to get through things little by little and keeping positive about this entire situation I'm in. I'm really glad I stuck with doing the show. The entire cast has a great time. We dance and sing and do crazy things in our down time. There is a lot of amazing talent and it's gonna be a great show. Until next time...(if I'm still alive, that is)
Tonight, Tonight!
I took this shot of the Campanile about an hour ago on my way back from rehearsal... Just a short update. I have NO time at all...need to sleep now so I can wake up early to study for my midterms. Tomorrow (if I remember), I'll update about City of Angels. We start tech tomorrow!! Or today rather since it's 1:04am on Friday.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal!
April has finally arrived which means performances of City of Angels are looming. Performances also mean rehearsals and tech. For all of this month, rehearsal will be my life... I will have barely any time to study and do work for my classes. My psych and chem midterm are both occurring next week. The best part is that my chem midterm is right before the preview performance. My midterm is from 6:30pm-8:00pm and curtain is at 8:00pm so I will probably have to take the test in costume and DASH over to CRH.
And because of rehearsal, I'm not able to attend NUMEROUS events. This Thursday is Rotaract's cruise around the San Francisco Bay, Moonlight Masquerade. Tickets are only $20 which includes a DJ and food, but unfortunately I won't have time. It's the day before tech. The theme of Men's and Women's Chorale Spring Show this year is "The Musicals of Sondheim and Bernstein". We're singing a medley from Into the Woods and West Side Story. And with West Side Story comes Gee Officer Krupke with choreography. I'll have to miss BOTH dance rehearsals for the song and I was really looking forward to it. Hopefully Ill still be able to be in that scene.
This past Monday was the start of never ending rehearsals. I will have nonstop rehearsals until our first performances in a week and a half. So six to midnight will be blocked off for the next two weeks and all day Saturday and Sunday. Fun! Tech rehearsals start this Friday so really have to get my game on with academics. I don't have ANY time to waste. I will get through this however difficult it may be. I'm just glad that everyone in the cast gets along and we're all very sporadic. This will be such a fun show. Although rehearsing for the show takes up so much time, it is a rewarding experience.
Today, we rehearsed with the set for the first time. Tomorrow, we rehearse with the orchestra for the first time! I'm SO excited.
And because of rehearsal, I'm not able to attend NUMEROUS events. This Thursday is Rotaract's cruise around the San Francisco Bay, Moonlight Masquerade. Tickets are only $20 which includes a DJ and food, but unfortunately I won't have time. It's the day before tech. The theme of Men's and Women's Chorale Spring Show this year is "The Musicals of Sondheim and Bernstein". We're singing a medley from Into the Woods and West Side Story. And with West Side Story comes Gee Officer Krupke with choreography. I'll have to miss BOTH dance rehearsals for the song and I was really looking forward to it. Hopefully Ill still be able to be in that scene.
This past Monday was the start of never ending rehearsals. I will have nonstop rehearsals until our first performances in a week and a half. So six to midnight will be blocked off for the next two weeks and all day Saturday and Sunday. Fun! Tech rehearsals start this Friday so really have to get my game on with academics. I don't have ANY time to waste. I will get through this however difficult it may be. I'm just glad that everyone in the cast gets along and we're all very sporadic. This will be such a fun show. Although rehearsing for the show takes up so much time, it is a rewarding experience.
Today, we rehearsed with the set for the first time. Tomorrow, we rehearse with the orchestra for the first time! I'm SO excited.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Broadway Hot List
August: Osage County (touring to SF)
Avenue Q (also on tour)
Billy Elliot
In the Heights (tour planned)
The Lion King (also on tour)
Mary Poppins (also on tour)
South Pacific (touring to SF)
West Side Story
Only on Tour
Legally Blonde
Broadway Bound
9 to 5
The Addams Family
Catch Me If You Can
Dirty Dancing
August: Osage County (touring to SF)
Avenue Q (also on tour)
Billy Elliot
In the Heights (tour planned)
The Lion King (also on tour)
Mary Poppins (also on tour)
South Pacific (touring to SF)
West Side Story
Only on Tour
Legally Blonde
Broadway Bound
9 to 5
The Addams Family
Catch Me If You Can
Dirty Dancing
You're the One That I Want!
Tonight is the night! Grease is the word, is the word. Tonight, I will be watching Grease starring Taylor Hicks as Teen Angel. It's playing the Golden Gate Theatre in San Francisco, which I haven't been since Legally Blonde played here for its world premiere two years ago. This means I have no clue where the stage door is located, so I must do some investigating beforehand.
This is the first show I'm watching that I don't know the lyrics to any of the songs... Every other show I've watched (and I've watched plenty), I've always listened to the cast recording and learned all the lyrics like the back of my hand. Well, I take that back, I went into watching Legally Blonde not knowing anything at all, but it was a world premiere. This is going to be an interesting experience. I am taking my mom and she probably knows the premise of the show and songs better than I do.
Until next time!!
This is the first show I'm watching that I don't know the lyrics to any of the songs... Every other show I've watched (and I've watched plenty), I've always listened to the cast recording and learned all the lyrics like the back of my hand. Well, I take that back, I went into watching Legally Blonde not knowing anything at all, but it was a world premiere. This is going to be an interesting experience. I am taking my mom and she probably knows the premise of the show and songs better than I do.
Until next time!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
I'm bad at this game...
While looking at my posting dates, I realized that I post very sporadically. Weeks go by when I just don't have a new post. I get so caught up in school. I know. School seems to be the excuse for everything even though I'm not even trying that hard. Explains why I don't do well in academics. Goes to show what kind of Berkeley student I am...
If I do want to transfer majors and even schools, I seriously have to step things up so that I don't disappoint myself when the moment of truth comes. I guess this would be a good time to start. There are about two months left of school. It should give me enough time to catch up on all the material that I'm behind... And midterms are in two weeks. Eek.
If I do want to transfer majors and even schools, I seriously have to step things up so that I don't disappoint myself when the moment of truth comes. I guess this would be a good time to start. There are about two months left of school. It should give me enough time to catch up on all the material that I'm behind... And midterms are in two weeks. Eek.
Spring Break
Alas, it is the long-awaited Spring Break and I am sick which prevents me from outisde humanly contact for fear of spreading this horrendous disease. I've had a sore throat the last two weeks ever since that night camped out in Lower Sproul waiting for Dalai Lama tickets. It hasn't gotten any better so I visited my pediatrician who I haven't seen in two years. He said that it might be a bacterial infection since I don't have a fever, runny nose, stuffy nose, congestion or fever. And my lymph nodes are swollen. Yay! He prescribed me a medicine that I can't take on an empty stomach because it'll be uncomfortable. But I also can't take the medicine on a full stomach since it'll lessen the effect. I only need to take the medicine for three days. Hopefully I'll get better by then. I need to pick up the medicine in the next 15 minutes or so...
Also, I still need to blog about the overnight wait for Dalai Lama tickets and the first time seeing Wicked. (It was AMAZING!)
Also, I still need to blog about the overnight wait for Dalai Lama tickets and the first time seeing Wicked. (It was AMAZING!)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Facebook Me!
For the last week or so, I've been living without Facebook. I de-activated it for many reasons. For the first day or two, I would have a dying urge to see what my friends were up to. I tried not to cave in, but I re-activated my Facebook to browse around and then quickly de-activated it. That happened for a few days, but over the weekend, I just stopped checking. It's nice not having a distraction while doing homework. Before I de-activated my account, I would just browse around aimlessly looking at people's photos, events, friend activity.
After doing so, I feel so detached from people's lives. Besides text messaging (for those who have a plan), instant messaging, e-mail and the good old-fashioned phone call, Facebook was my main way of keeping in touch. (It sounds insincere, but hey, it works.) I know that in the next few days I will have to re-activate my Facebook so that I can keep up with other's lives and update others on mine. It also sucks not being able to stalk people. Just kidding. But you know you do it.
Now I need to make the effort to keep in touch with others. Maybe a call to the people I haven't talked to yet this year. And we'll see how everything goes from there.
After doing so, I feel so detached from people's lives. Besides text messaging (for those who have a plan), instant messaging, e-mail and the good old-fashioned phone call, Facebook was my main way of keeping in touch. (It sounds insincere, but hey, it works.) I know that in the next few days I will have to re-activate my Facebook so that I can keep up with other's lives and update others on mine. It also sucks not being able to stalk people. Just kidding. But you know you do it.
Now I need to make the effort to keep in touch with others. Maybe a call to the people I haven't talked to yet this year. And we'll see how everything goes from there.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Role of Lifetime
"Role of a Lifetime" from bare could never be more fitting than now.
Everything's an act,
When you're pleasing everyone.
And he assumes that role
To such renown.
He plays a perfect part,
Straight from his heart
Knowing the risk he takes
And hoping that the house
Is not brought down.
The role of a lifetime is living a fantasy.
The trauma that you struggle to erase.
Thoughts battle words over deeds
A war with such casualties.
All played out behind a smiling face.
God I need your guidance
Tell me what it means
To live a life where nothings as it seems.
Spending days in silent fear,
And spending nights in lonely prayer.
Hoping that one day when you wake,
Those feelings won't be there.
So confused because I feel completely lost.
And here alone it all somehow makes scene.
Look into his eyes for some compromise
Remember the word, forget
And try to bury something so intense.
You learn to play the straight man,
Your lines become routine.
Never really saying what you mean.
But I know the scene will change,
White picket fences, and a dog,
A trophy bright, and children.
God I know that's what he wants
But Jason what role do I play,
Am I a savior or a phase?
Am I here to damn you?
Or to help you navigate this maze.
Where confusion is a crime,
So you fill your life with sound,
And if you dance like hell,
You hope you'll never touch the ground.
What happens when the music stops?
In the silence will he stay one day,
Or realize that these feelings
are going away,
So we drive ourselves insane,
Spinning circles in our souls,
As we dance around and play pretend.
And once again,
Reprise our roles.
Everything's an act,
When you're pleasing everyone.
And he assumes that role
To such renown.
He plays a perfect part,
Straight from his heart
Knowing the risk he takes
And hoping that the house
Is not brought down.
The role of a lifetime is living a fantasy.
The trauma that you struggle to erase.
Thoughts battle words over deeds
A war with such casualties.
All played out behind a smiling face.
God I need your guidance
Tell me what it means
To live a life where nothings as it seems.
Spending days in silent fear,
And spending nights in lonely prayer.
Hoping that one day when you wake,
Those feelings won't be there.
So confused because I feel completely lost.
And here alone it all somehow makes scene.
Look into his eyes for some compromise
Remember the word, forget
And try to bury something so intense.
You learn to play the straight man,
Your lines become routine.
Never really saying what you mean.
But I know the scene will change,
White picket fences, and a dog,
A trophy bright, and children.
God I know that's what he wants
But Jason what role do I play,
Am I a savior or a phase?
Am I here to damn you?
Or to help you navigate this maze.
Where confusion is a crime,
So you fill your life with sound,
And if you dance like hell,
You hope you'll never touch the ground.
What happens when the music stops?
In the silence will he stay one day,
Or realize that these feelings
are going away,
So we drive ourselves insane,
Spinning circles in our souls,
As we dance around and play pretend.
And once again,
Reprise our roles.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Exciting News!
Looking at all my unpublished/draft posts, there are so many related Spring Awakening -- especially during the time the show was here in San Francisco. So many memories were created, so many new friendships formed.
Anyways, this past weekend was crazy! I had auditions on Friday for City of Angels, which is being put on by barestage, the only student-run theater company on campus. We were asked to prepare a one-minute monologue and 64-bars of music (seriously?). My monologue went pretty well, but I didn't do so well on my song. The directors told us that the cast list would be sent out later that night.
After the audition, I went and played ultimate with some friends. When I returned around 11:30pm, there was an email in my inbox with the callback list. Surprisingly, my name was on the list! I was quite excited, but it meant I had to be at callbacks from 9am-3pm the next day.
For callbacks, we were given sides and told to read different roles. There weren't many guys. And some people didn't even show up. After lunch, we ran through the songs and sang individually for the director. The cast list would be sent out later that night.
Good news: I got cast as Yamato, the county coroner. Performances are in April, so rehearsals will keep me quite busy until then. It seems like a fun show with an interesting cast. I'll be sure to update periodically.
Anyways, this past weekend was crazy! I had auditions on Friday for City of Angels, which is being put on by barestage, the only student-run theater company on campus. We were asked to prepare a one-minute monologue and 64-bars of music (seriously?). My monologue went pretty well, but I didn't do so well on my song. The directors told us that the cast list would be sent out later that night.
After the audition, I went and played ultimate with some friends. When I returned around 11:30pm, there was an email in my inbox with the callback list. Surprisingly, my name was on the list! I was quite excited, but it meant I had to be at callbacks from 9am-3pm the next day.
For callbacks, we were given sides and told to read different roles. There weren't many guys. And some people didn't even show up. After lunch, we ran through the songs and sang individually for the director. The cast list would be sent out later that night.
Good news: I got cast as Yamato, the county coroner. Performances are in April, so rehearsals will keep me quite busy until then. It seems like a fun show with an interesting cast. I'll be sure to update periodically.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Chip on My Shoulder
I should be catching up on reading since my textbooks just arrived two days ago, but I decided to take some time and just write.
The first month of 2009 has finally come and gone. School finally started. It's already been two weeks and my schedule still hasn't been finalized -- all thanks to one class. But otherwise, I really like my professors/instructors and classes. For the most part, my professors/instructors are entertaining and bring energy to the class. I really hope I get into Environmental Issues, the only class I'm still wait listed in. Once it's worked out, I can focus on other things.
But so much has happened in the last week. I don't even know how to react to everything. It feels like once one situation is resolved, another one replaces it. And the issues are now even bigger than they were during first semester. For much of first semester, all the crap was academic related. Since second semester started, it's been more life crap... and I don't know where to turn. I wish there was one person who understood everything or rather I could tell everything that was going on, but it's just so difficult.
I feel like I'm living this big lie. I haven't been truthful to anyone, not even myself. There are many things that no one would understand. Even though college is supposed to be a time to live, I feel inhibited. I don't feel like I can be myself that I have to conform to a certain mold that's already been laid out for me. And if I don't live up to people's expectations that the tension builds.
At first, second semester seemed like an easier time than the first considering I've already been on campus for several months. However, things are much complicated than before because it involves more than just crappy classes and academic work. However, once this chip on my shoulder is lifted, I will be able to breathe again. But it will take a lot of courage and work.
The first month of 2009 has finally come and gone. School finally started. It's already been two weeks and my schedule still hasn't been finalized -- all thanks to one class. But otherwise, I really like my professors/instructors and classes. For the most part, my professors/instructors are entertaining and bring energy to the class. I really hope I get into Environmental Issues, the only class I'm still wait listed in. Once it's worked out, I can focus on other things.
But so much has happened in the last week. I don't even know how to react to everything. It feels like once one situation is resolved, another one replaces it. And the issues are now even bigger than they were during first semester. For much of first semester, all the crap was academic related. Since second semester started, it's been more life crap... and I don't know where to turn. I wish there was one person who understood everything or rather I could tell everything that was going on, but it's just so difficult.
I feel like I'm living this big lie. I haven't been truthful to anyone, not even myself. There are many things that no one would understand. Even though college is supposed to be a time to live, I feel inhibited. I don't feel like I can be myself that I have to conform to a certain mold that's already been laid out for me. And if I don't live up to people's expectations that the tension builds.
At first, second semester seemed like an easier time than the first considering I've already been on campus for several months. However, things are much complicated than before because it involves more than just crappy classes and academic work. However, once this chip on my shoulder is lifted, I will be able to breathe again. But it will take a lot of courage and work.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Movies I Have Yet To Watch (1/6/2009)
Current Movies
Marley & Me
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Tale of Despereaux
Four Christmases
Quantum of Solace
High School Musical 3: Senior Year
Marley & Me
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Tale of Despereaux
Four Christmases
Quantum of Solace
High School Musical 3: Senior Year
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