
Monday, March 31, 2008

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

National Rejection Day really lived up to its name.

At this time, almost everyone is worrying about colleges. Today definitely did not help at all. And if it did help, it only made everyone even more depressed to read multiple times something along the lines of:

"Thank you for applying to [insert name of college]. You have been a very competitive candidate. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you a place at [insert name of college] in Fall 2008. A record number of students applied this year....."

and the letter goes on basically saying "We don't want you." in a million more words. Receiving these letters also made me wonder how some people are actually accepted with such low grades and insubstantial extra-curricular activities. Was it there essay that struck the admissions officers? What made THEM a better candidate over me?


to National Rejection Day

Only 14 hours left to go. Won't today be such a happy and joyous day when everyone finds out that they got rejected from Harvard, Yale, Brown, Cornell, Columbia or any of the other Ivy leagues!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

So Cal Trip

In April, I will be traveling down to LA and San Diego to visit colleges. How exciting! But I'm sure something good will come out of these trips. At least I can visit my friends and actually have a vacation, to some extent. I say tripS (plural) because it will be more than ONE trip. In fact, it will be two trips on two consecutive weekends. One to visit UCLA and one to visit UC San Diego since their respective events are on different weekends. I still need to fit in USC in one of those trips.

However, my worst nightmare has come true. We will be driving down south. Yes, DRIVING. Traveling by car. I will not last the six hour journey in the car with my loving parents. The scenery of I-5 does not change. It is just fields, groves, and an occasion fast food/gas station stop. Well, it's not as bad as driving north to Vancouver. That would be a eighteen hour (sometimes overnight) car-ride.

When I return, I will try and report back with some exclusive footage. Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Play before work

It's been a while since I last updated, so here goes. I should be studying for my Biology test tomorrow, but it isn't getting me anywhere. The information is not retaining, so I have been watching videos on YouTube instead, taking a short break. Fine. It has been more like a three-hour break, but my brain needs that respite in order for it to function properly.

As I was scrolling through my Outlook calendar, it hit me that there is little time left in the school year. Less than TWO months until senior prom and less than THREE months until graduation. When that day comes, I will be bawling my eyes out. I just know it. We've been together for almost seven years. Some less, some more. The separating will be very tough, knowing that you won't see your best friend every day and talk about the randomest things all day.

So since there's only so much time left, I've decided to do something special to document these last few days in high school. Check back soon because you never know what you may find. ;)

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Awakening of Spring

Seems like Spring Awakening is going mainstream. Lately, everyone around me has been getting the OBCR.

I must admit and don't hate me for it (since it's true), but the cast recording is actually very poorly produced. The songs if heard live are not even comparable to the OBCR. But I guess it's what we have.... ;)

Monday, March 10, 2008


This has to be the CAMPIEST (is that even a word?) video EVER. Cher playing all the roles in West Side Story. Yes, she even plays the FEMALE characters. The video is quite entertaining and horrifying. It is evident that Cher needs help with her movement. There is no variation and it is the most awkward thing ever. She "dances" like she has no bones. And her portrayal of Maria? I'll let YOU be the judge.

Part One

Part Two

Saturday, March 8, 2008

REVIEW: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Tour)

After some difficulty, I managed to go watch "Spelling Bee" in Sacramento with my two friends. It was such an awesome trip heading up to the state capital. The two-hour or so drive was quite long, but we spent the time playing the musical ABC game, in which each person names a musical related term or word starting with the letter A and going all the way to Z. Some letters we had trouble with included Q and X.

When we arrived, we grabbed some lunch at Johnny Rockets. Relived some interesting Jersey Boys music by playing 'Walk Like a Man'. Also, we stopped by Rite Aid to get some Slim Jim's and Flamin' Hot Cheetos for Andrew, Vanessa, and Dana. :)

We arrived to the theater a little bit early to find the stage door and hopefully catch a few cast members, but we ended up fleeing back to the theater out of extreme awkwardness after seeing Vanessa and AKB from a good distance. :P In our free time, I signed up to be a guest speller, but didn't make it; all of the spellers chosen were adults and probably sat in the orchestra. We also looked at the classroom posters which included baby photos of most of the cast members. It was quite cute. We found AKB and Dana's baby photos, but we couldn't find Vanessa's. Since we also didn't want to waste time after the show purchasing merch, we bought it then. To my surprise, I luckily purchased the last program which was quite a good decision.

Overall, the show and cast were hilarious. The improv element is quite entertaining, especially Rona's comments about the audience spellers. It brings a fresh take to each performance. However, some of the show was ruined by my YouTube video watching of TV performances and specials, so I already knew many of the words, definitions, and sentences. But I still can't spell any of the words....

I loved the cast and was taken aback by some of the cast member's fantastic performances. Justin was a hilarious Chip. Quite entertaining, especially during Erection. Andrew was a really cute Leaf Coneybear. Dana didn't have such a strong lisp which was good. And her current even was on "Super Hillary" and her recent win during the Democratic primary race. Vanessa was an AMAZING Olive Ostrovsky. I never she could sing like that! It was a really touching performance because she played the character truthfully from the moment she stepped foot on stage. I thought she had the best peformance.

Stage door was the best part getting to meet the cast as well as Andrew, Vanessa, and Dana. Dana had to leave early so we couldn't get to to talk with her long. Andrew and Vanessa came out last, but we chatted for a while talking about the blog among other things. The cool part was also meeting both Justin and Vanessa's families. They were quite nice. This was probably the first time that we actually got the ENTIRE cast of nine to sign our windowcard which was totes awesome. :) It was totally worth making the trip up there. Can't wait for the next show. Spring Awakening maybe?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Ready to jump

I can't believe this is happening. I'm always the one giving other people problems. And I have no control over it. So I'm so frustrated and tired that I have no control over this situation. And it happens EVERY SINGLE time without a question. SHE basically screws every one involved and she gives no damn about it. You may think it's bad, but try living with her. For 18 years. I can't wait until college when I can actually live on my own in a different part of the country far away from hell hole San Jose, California.

By the way, I don't think I'm going to see Spelling Bee tomorrow because of this situation. Great. We have a show we aren't seeing. I have crossed all fingers and toes in hopes that she will change her mind by 9am tomorrow morning. If she doesn't I will scream every expletive known to mankind.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


In just one week, I will be seeing The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee tour in Sacramento with my friends. The journey up to our state capital will take almost 3 hours, but we know it will be an awesome show. Why would anyone in the right mind make such a trip? Mainly because of the AMAZING cast! They could not be a more hilarious bunch (judging from Andrew's Blog videos).

I also love the spontaneity of the show. It's interesting to see audience members go on stage and spell the most unusual (and creative) words. The definitions and sentences are definitely the most entertaining.

The best part will definitely be stage door after the show. We are hoping to meet the cast, snap some photos, and get autographs of the cast members (especially Andrew's, Dana's, and Vanessa's). I will be very disappointed if we don't get to talk to them because I've been waiting for this chance for weeks. This will be a nice refreshing respite from all the AP Biology, AP Spanish and college application/financial aid craziness.

Check out Andrew's Blog to see why the cast is so awesome. I love how Andrew always manages to capture the most random moments on video. The videos are very well-produced, especially for one that's produced on the road. And Andrew has a great choice in music that's heard in the background). A new video is uploaded about once every two weeks or so; sometimes even more frequently.

This is AKB's latest post announcing something very important.