I have so many entries that I haven't posted yet...Anyways, here is a poll from one of our last chemistry lectures on December 10, 2008. The following response is from a pool about 400+ students.
What I like about Berkeley is
a. new friends 32%
b. engaging classes 8%
c. great campus life 12%
d. delicious dorm food 5%
e. awesome chemistry demos 42%
Guess what I answered? I didn't. Everything at Berkeley still seems foreign after 4 months living on campus.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Looking Back and Moving Forward
Eleven Spring Awakening performances, countless all-nighters, five papers, seven midterms and three finals later, first semester of college is officially over. It was a surreal feeling coming out of the math final. The past three days have been filled with nothing but learning the different sections, reviewing material, and working problems from the beginning, sitting at Starbucks for countless hours figuring out problems. More than once, my mind wandered off to another world. I can't believe I actually survived my first semester.
To think that I started college four months ago........
How long is four months?
In high school, four months meant seeing the same people and following the same schedule day-to-day. Every day, I would wake up at the same time, rush to school, and hope that I would be on time. Rather, hope that the teacher wouldn't notice that I was late and mark me tardy. Brunch and lunch occurred at somewhat regular times. It was the time to hang out with friends, complain about teachers and classes, or practice Spanish presentations.
Throughout the semester, events stayed constant year to year. There was the usual Welcome Back Rally the first week of school, picture day on the first day of school, a few more rallies, Homecoming Week (after months of preparation), a few concert here and there, finals, and Winter Formal signaled the end of first semester.
But four months in college? Merely a semester or for everyone else, a quarter and a few weeks of summer and winter breaks. There were new people to meet, a new environment to adjust, new living quarters, and life without parents. A clean slate to start our lives over. Who would of thought that after living for so long in the same area with the same people that we would need to adjust in a blink of eye? No longer was the location of our house dictating which schools we attended. Courses were now from a list dictated by our respective majors and not by "UC Requirements".
During Thanksgiving break, it was nice getting to catch up with everyone. But it made me realize that things have changed. We now have friends beyond the ones we grew up with and draw upon a whole new set of experiences. While talking to people from high school, no longer will they know who Todd is or who Emma is currently going out with. And the only way of connecting is through Facebook or conversations on the phone. The face-to-face interactions have now essentially disappeared.
To think that at this very same time a year ago, I was proofreading my essays and getting my college application ready for submission. The road to college was far from over. The only thought running through my head was hoping that I would get accepted to college. It did not matter which college; my only desire was to be over with the process and just move on. The extremely frustrating process at hand of reading essays over and over and making minor changes here and there felt like overkill. The acceptance letters would just come rolling in, I would be relieved, submit in my SIR and peace would come to all. Little did I know, my troubles were far from over.
During these past months, I have been doing quite a lot of thinking and reflection. It is ironic to think that after nineteen years of living in this body that I would know myself, my personality, my interests, my hates, my desires. But after these four months, I feel completely lost. Even with fifty or so people around me that I know from high school, I feel like I entered a new world with a new body. Suddenly, I have no clear picture what my interests are or who I am. Every day, I attend class thinking to myself: Is this really what I want to do with my life? Do I really want to subject myself to another math course or another science course? Many times, I wonder if college is the right thing for me.
This is still a long and tough journey and it's not going to take a day. College is a time to find myself, discover who I really am, not just a person defined by the number of AP courses or extra-curricular activities. At times, I am frustrated, trying to sort things out and piece the puzzle together. But this is not a task I can complete alone. Of course, I know myself best; I will need to do the majority of the work, but I will need help along the way. It's an arduous task, but I am up for the ride. Who knows what I might find? Let's hope for an exciting 2009 year and get ready for the time of my life!
To think that I started college four months ago........
How long is four months?
In high school, four months meant seeing the same people and following the same schedule day-to-day. Every day, I would wake up at the same time, rush to school, and hope that I would be on time. Rather, hope that the teacher wouldn't notice that I was late and mark me tardy. Brunch and lunch occurred at somewhat regular times. It was the time to hang out with friends, complain about teachers and classes, or practice Spanish presentations.
Throughout the semester, events stayed constant year to year. There was the usual Welcome Back Rally the first week of school, picture day on the first day of school, a few more rallies, Homecoming Week (after months of preparation), a few concert here and there, finals, and Winter Formal signaled the end of first semester.
But four months in college? Merely a semester or for everyone else, a quarter and a few weeks of summer and winter breaks. There were new people to meet, a new environment to adjust, new living quarters, and life without parents. A clean slate to start our lives over. Who would of thought that after living for so long in the same area with the same people that we would need to adjust in a blink of eye? No longer was the location of our house dictating which schools we attended. Courses were now from a list dictated by our respective majors and not by "UC Requirements".
During Thanksgiving break, it was nice getting to catch up with everyone. But it made me realize that things have changed. We now have friends beyond the ones we grew up with and draw upon a whole new set of experiences. While talking to people from high school, no longer will they know who Todd is or who Emma is currently going out with. And the only way of connecting is through Facebook or conversations on the phone. The face-to-face interactions have now essentially disappeared.
To think that at this very same time a year ago, I was proofreading my essays and getting my college application ready for submission. The road to college was far from over. The only thought running through my head was hoping that I would get accepted to college. It did not matter which college; my only desire was to be over with the process and just move on. The extremely frustrating process at hand of reading essays over and over and making minor changes here and there felt like overkill. The acceptance letters would just come rolling in, I would be relieved, submit in my SIR and peace would come to all. Little did I know, my troubles were far from over.
During these past months, I have been doing quite a lot of thinking and reflection. It is ironic to think that after nineteen years of living in this body that I would know myself, my personality, my interests, my hates, my desires. But after these four months, I feel completely lost. Even with fifty or so people around me that I know from high school, I feel like I entered a new world with a new body. Suddenly, I have no clear picture what my interests are or who I am. Every day, I attend class thinking to myself: Is this really what I want to do with my life? Do I really want to subject myself to another math course or another science course? Many times, I wonder if college is the right thing for me.
This is still a long and tough journey and it's not going to take a day. College is a time to find myself, discover who I really am, not just a person defined by the number of AP courses or extra-curricular activities. At times, I am frustrated, trying to sort things out and piece the puzzle together. But this is not a task I can complete alone. Of course, I know myself best; I will need to do the majority of the work, but I will need help along the way. It's an arduous task, but I am up for the ride. Who knows what I might find? Let's hope for an exciting 2009 year and get ready for the time of my life!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Random Exchange
An exchange that just happened between Joanna and a guy as she leaves a chemistry review session.
Joanna: Do you remember me? I'm Joanna.
Guy: [mumbles inaudibly]
Joanna: We're distant cousins.
Joanna: Do you remember me? I'm Joanna.
Guy: [mumbles inaudibly]
Joanna: We're distant cousins.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A Warning For You All
Another horror story from the dining commons at Berkeley...
Remind me never to eat quesadillas, especially that containing chicken and cheese available at the dining commons, in the wee hours of the morning.
Returning from watching Phantom at around 11:30pm Tuesday night slightly hungry, I went to get myself a quesadilla; someone had recommended it to me a while back. Getting the quesadilla was a terrible idea. There was so much cheese that by the last few bites, I was ready to puke. The conglomeration of cheese also contained so much oil. To make matters worth, I even finished off the remaining onion rings my roommate had left over.
After about 15 minutes of eating everything, I felt sick to my stomach probably because of all the grease. My uncomfortable stomach kept me awake for a while. By the time I was able to fall asleep, it was around 1:30pm to 2pm.
In the future, I am never getting a quesadilla again, no matter how hungry I am at the early hours of the morning. No matter how enticing it might seem, I am ready to control the urge. I'd like to live a little bit longer.
Now time for me to get some delicious bon bons as a late night treat after studying for my chem midterm. Maybe I'll even sleep before 2am for once!
Remind me never to eat quesadillas, especially that containing chicken and cheese available at the dining commons, in the wee hours of the morning.
Returning from watching Phantom at around 11:30pm Tuesday night slightly hungry, I went to get myself a quesadilla; someone had recommended it to me a while back. Getting the quesadilla was a terrible idea. There was so much cheese that by the last few bites, I was ready to puke. The conglomeration of cheese also contained so much oil. To make matters worth, I even finished off the remaining onion rings my roommate had left over.
After about 15 minutes of eating everything, I felt sick to my stomach probably because of all the grease. My uncomfortable stomach kept me awake for a while. By the time I was able to fall asleep, it was around 1:30pm to 2pm.
In the future, I am never getting a quesadilla again, no matter how hungry I am at the early hours of the morning. No matter how enticing it might seem, I am ready to control the urge. I'd like to live a little bit longer.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
WE HAVE THE AXE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In case you haven't heard, WE GOT THE AXE BACK FROM stanfurd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Game Week has been CRAZY, without a doubt. It's been eventful, tiring and fun. All those long nights and fun-filled days. I'll do a longer post later, but here are some photos from the hill. I was on Cannon Crew and had spectacular view.
View from the hill before the game.
What the fuck is that thing in the middle? Do you really call that a mascot?
NEXT UPDATE: Big Game Week and Big Game (with lots of photos). GOOOO BEARS!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Music, Mucus, and Phelgm
Of course, I am magically sick the week of Big Game AND the week when I have three concerts. Yesterday after class I had to rush to Walgreens to purchase cold medicine so I wouldn't cough my guts out. The medicine hasn't done much. It claims to be all these magical things: "pain reliever/fever reducer, nasal decongestant, cough suppressant, antihistamine*", but it could might as well be just a sugar pill stamped with the Tylenol logo.
Anyways, the Voices of Light/Passion of Joan of Arc concert last night was a great experience. The Castro Theatre is quite a unique, historical venue. I didn't expect a very large audience, maybe just a few friends or family of members from Alumni chorus. Quite the contrary. At 7:30pm, our listed curtain time, there was still a line going down the street with people waiting to buy tickets. Who knew so many people would come on a weekday to attend such an event? It took until 8:00pm to get the last people in the door. Luckily, there was an organist that entertained us during the wait. We packed the entire place. The full house made the experience that much better.

During the show, my phone rang during one of the silent scenes. Luckily the ring was muffled and hopefully not many people heard except for Patrick who was sitting next to me. I had a miserable time with my runny nose and sore throat. Every few minutes I would need to cough or blow my nose in order to sing. I had to do it discreetly to not disturb the audience watching the movie. After the show, the audience gave us a standing ovation. This response made me even more excited for this Sunday's encore performance on campus in Hertz Hall.
Anyways, the Voices of Light/Passion of Joan of Arc concert last night was a great experience. The Castro Theatre is quite a unique, historical venue. I didn't expect a very large audience, maybe just a few friends or family of members from Alumni chorus. Quite the contrary. At 7:30pm, our listed curtain time, there was still a line going down the street with people waiting to buy tickets. Who knew so many people would come on a weekday to attend such an event? It took until 8:00pm to get the last people in the door. Luckily, there was an organist that entertained us during the wait. We packed the entire place. The full house made the experience that much better.
During the show, my phone rang during one of the silent scenes. Luckily the ring was muffled and hopefully not many people heard except for Patrick who was sitting next to me. I had a miserable time with my runny nose and sore throat. Every few minutes I would need to cough or blow my nose in order to sing. I had to do it discreetly to not disturb the audience watching the movie. After the show, the audience gave us a standing ovation. This response made me even more excited for this Sunday's encore performance on campus in Hertz Hall.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Today's Cup of Starbucks
4094 18th Street/Castro
San Francisco, CA 94114
Store #09212
Tall Espresso Truffle
San Francisco, CA 94114
Store #09212
Tall Espresso Truffle
Friday, November 14, 2008
This is the start of a busy weekend AND upcoming week. Big Game Week will be similar to Hell Week in that I will be up and about every day of the week. Let's hope that my professors and GSIs have a nice heart and not throw something sudden in our way because it will NOT be fun.
Anyways, while walking around campus, I noticed that banners for Big Game Week (BGW, for short) are now hanging from various buildings. They're used to advertise the numerous events happening during BGW. These banners are all painted by lovely Rally Comm members. My favorite is the Bonfire banner.
In addition to the million Rally Comm events, I have three concerts for Men's Chorale. So I will be cheering and singing my week away with an essay due on Tuesday. Indeed, now's the time to start and I am actually working on homework on a Friday night. Let's hope I survive until Thanksgiving or at least until the Big Game.
Anyways, while walking around campus, I noticed that banners for Big Game Week (BGW, for short) are now hanging from various buildings. They're used to advertise the numerous events happening during BGW. These banners are all painted by lovely Rally Comm members. My favorite is the Bonfire banner.
In addition to the million Rally Comm events, I have three concerts for Men's Chorale. So I will be cheering and singing my week away with an essay due on Tuesday. Indeed, now's the time to start and I am actually working on homework on a Friday night. Let's hope I survive until Thanksgiving or at least until the Big Game.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Dining Commons
The food at the dining commons is made of grease, oil, and fat. Oh, don't forget the SALT. Today's brunch menu included made-to-order crepes and omlettes, bacon, scrambled eggs, tofu and eggs, sausages, and chilaquiles. So looking at the nutrition facts (since the food is known to be poisonous), many of the foods seemed not too bad. Until the chilaquiles...
NOTE: This photo has NOT been photoshopped.
Are you kidding me? From a one serving (three ounces), 1052 calories, 78% of my daily value of fat, 91% of my daily value of saturated fat, 64% of my daily value of cholestrol, 92% of my daily value of salt, 26% of my daily value of carbs...
I thought it was just a typo; the person might have just mistyped a number or added too much of a particular ingredient. So I brilliantly decided to try some. Bad idea. It tasted like it was made from salt. Notice how it is CHICKEN chilaquiles de Monterey? And how the second ingredient in the ingredients list is CHICKEN? There was no CHICKEN. It was just tortilla chips and this brown sauce that tasted like it was made of salt.
Also what in the world is YEGETABLE oil? And I'm pretty sure it's not a typo because later on, it lists VEGETABLE oil as one of the ingredients...what are they trying to feed us? I really hope that it is just a typo, but keep in mind that I did try some and it was incredibly salty.
In response, I have written a comment card to the Cal Dining staff. Below is what I wrote:
"Looking at the nutrition facts for one of the items from today's brunch menu - chicken chilquiles de Monterey, it is shocking. from one serving (3oz), there are 1052 calories and 92%DV of sodium among other things. I really hope this is only a typo, but I did try some of it and it was extremely salty."
Saturday, October 18, 2008
When you ask how I am doing, I will tell you "fine." Things may or may not be "fine", but that is what I will tell you. There is no reason to explain the details because you will only be quick to judge. I will only bother to tell you if things aren't "fine" if I feel like you'll even remotely understand my situation.
Every time everyone asks how I am doing, there is nothing I can tell them except for "fine". Do they expect me to tell them that I hate myself for what I have done? Or do they expect me to tell them that nothing could be better? Either way it's a waste of time to explain myself. There will be people that talk. It's frustrating to hear from one person that another person was talking about me. Why don't you just tell me directly? I'd be much happier if you told me directly how you thought about me instead of hearing from someone else.
So the next time you ask me, "How are things going?", I may answer "fine", "alright", "not bad" or some variation. Just know that my situation could be just swell or my life could be crashing down in front of my eyes. But I will tell you "fine".
I know that this post may not make any sense and I have so much more to say, but this post is for the one person out there. You may be in a difficult time. Things aren't "fine" but just know that you will get through it. If you need anything, please call me.
Every time everyone asks how I am doing, there is nothing I can tell them except for "fine". Do they expect me to tell them that I hate myself for what I have done? Or do they expect me to tell them that nothing could be better? Either way it's a waste of time to explain myself. There will be people that talk. It's frustrating to hear from one person that another person was talking about me. Why don't you just tell me directly? I'd be much happier if you told me directly how you thought about me instead of hearing from someone else.
So the next time you ask me, "How are things going?", I may answer "fine", "alright", "not bad" or some variation. Just know that my situation could be just swell or my life could be crashing down in front of my eyes. But I will tell you "fine".
I know that this post may not make any sense and I have so much more to say, but this post is for the one person out there. You may be in a difficult time. Things aren't "fine" but just know that you will get through it. If you need anything, please call me.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Not Gone...
Yesterday was closing day for Spring Awakening tour here in San Francisco. More than one month ago on opening night, I bought my ticket for the final performance. I never expected this day to arrive so soon. Before the show, numerous boxes were piled in front of the theater in preparation for the move to Seattle. Never have I been so attached to the show, to the cast, to the story line, to the music, and to everything else. All in all, I have seen the show eleven times. People have called me crazy for seeing the show so many times, but I would never do it for another show. Each time watching the show has been quite an adventure, meeting new people in the rush line, talking with the cast, hanging out at Starbucks, and just plain goofing off.
The show has brought so many unexpected opportunities. Without the street team, I wouldn't have been able to meet so many new people: Frances, Azuah, Christina, Juliana, Javier, Andrew, Kelsey, Rose, and so many more. I am going to miss the fun times that we had just hanging out before and after shows, those random conversations, and our stupid Starbucks moments. These past six weeks are ones that I will not forget for a very long time. I have made many friendships and created memories to remember.
Now that the show is gone, there are two ways to look at the situation. For the past six weeks, there hasn't been a weekend that I haven't spent in San Francisco. Each weekend, I was in the city either to watch the show or to attend a street team event. It's been such a big time commitment, especially because of the street team. On the other hand, with all this extra time, I can finally devote more time to schoolwork and pray that I will make it alive out of this school. It is time to step up my game and ace my midterms and final (hopefully).
The show has brought so many unexpected opportunities. Without the street team, I wouldn't have been able to meet so many new people: Frances, Azuah, Christina, Juliana, Javier, Andrew, Kelsey, Rose, and so many more. I am going to miss the fun times that we had just hanging out before and after shows, those random conversations, and our stupid Starbucks moments. These past six weeks are ones that I will not forget for a very long time. I have made many friendships and created memories to remember.
Now that the show is gone, there are two ways to look at the situation. For the past six weeks, there hasn't been a weekend that I haven't spent in San Francisco. Each weekend, I was in the city either to watch the show or to attend a street team event. It's been such a big time commitment, especially because of the street team. On the other hand, with all this extra time, I can finally devote more time to schoolwork and pray that I will make it alive out of this school. It is time to step up my game and ace my midterms and final (hopefully).
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sleep Deprivation
After what has happened in the past week or two, maybe Engineering isn't right for me. Is spending three-and-a-half hours on my weekly online chem assignment really worth my time? Each week, while laboring to complete it, I bitch and complain at the same time. Homework shouldn't be this painful.I find no enjoyment in taking chem or multivarialbe calculus. What will happen when I take physics? There are times when I stare at the textbook and the page stares back at me. I feel like I retain none of the information I read. So in the near future, I need to meet with my academic advisor to discuss the options before I start choosing classes in the beginning of Novemeber.
For the past five weeks or so, Spring Awakening has taken over my life. There has not been a weekend when I was not in San Francisco. Each time I'm in the city, it's to watch Spring Awakening or to attend a Spring Awakening-related event. People think I am crazy for seeing the show 9.5 times since it's been here. But I really don't mind. So much has happened that it's worth the time and effort to haul myself there. I enjoy every minute. But these numerous trips to SF have also impacted other things directly and indirectly.
Time management has never been one of my stronger skills and still isn't one of my strengths. So I don't use my time very well and assignemtns tend to pile up, including the numerous readings for various classes. It has finally caught up to me. My absence in math lectures and missed chem readings impacted my performance on the midterm. I scored poorly, much worse than I hoped, but relative to the time I've been spending for each class. Thus, from now on, I need to work harder to do better all around. It will be difficult when Spring Awakening leaves San Francisco. Even though I won't be able to see the show each week, at least I'll have "extra" time to spend working on homework.
For the past five weeks or so, Spring Awakening has taken over my life. There has not been a weekend when I was not in San Francisco. Each time I'm in the city, it's to watch Spring Awakening or to attend a Spring Awakening-related event. People think I am crazy for seeing the show 9.5 times since it's been here. But I really don't mind. So much has happened that it's worth the time and effort to haul myself there. I enjoy every minute. But these numerous trips to SF have also impacted other things directly and indirectly.
Time management has never been one of my stronger skills and still isn't one of my strengths. So I don't use my time very well and assignemtns tend to pile up, including the numerous readings for various classes. It has finally caught up to me. My absence in math lectures and missed chem readings impacted my performance on the midterm. I scored poorly, much worse than I hoped, but relative to the time I've been spending for each class. Thus, from now on, I need to work harder to do better all around. It will be difficult when Spring Awakening leaves San Francisco. Even though I won't be able to see the show each week, at least I'll have "extra" time to spend working on homework.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Spring Awakening Craze
Updates on Spring Awakening tour, more Spring Awakening and school! This video turned out to be longer than expected...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Daily Routine
It has become a habit that I sleep at 2 or 3 every day. Somehow I still make it through the day with the occasional dozing off in a math lecture or even chem lab. I try to sleep earlier, but I always have something to do that prevents me from going to bed.
On the subject of computers, my desktop is dying. It's turning four years old this December. Every day it will freeze at least once, forcing me to force shut down. Recently, the sound occasionally stops. It's time for a new computer. A new Mac. However, I am waiting for the re-design which is rumored to be next month. I look longingly at everyone else's MacBook/MacBook Pro and wishing that I was Mac owner. Surely, the time will come. Soon.
I just bought the iTunes Live from SOHO - EP with the current and original cast members of Spring Awakening. The songs are just utterly beautiful. While listening to these songs, I have been reminiscing about the lame, funny, stupid, fan girl-ish thoughts that have gone one revolving around Spring Awakening (you know who you are). I can't believe that it's been a year and a half since I discovered Spring Awakening from my drama teacher, Mrs. C. :)
Blog will be up tonight with lots of SPRING AWAKENING pwnage and awesomeness, among other things.
On the subject of computers, my desktop is dying. It's turning four years old this December. Every day it will freeze at least once, forcing me to force shut down. Recently, the sound occasionally stops. It's time for a new computer. A new Mac. However, I am waiting for the re-design which is rumored to be next month. I look longingly at everyone else's MacBook/MacBook Pro and wishing that I was Mac owner. Surely, the time will come. Soon.
I just bought the iTunes Live from SOHO - EP with the current and original cast members of Spring Awakening. The songs are just utterly beautiful. While listening to these songs, I have been reminiscing about the lame, funny, stupid, fan girl-ish thoughts that have gone one revolving around Spring Awakening (you know who you are). I can't believe that it's been a year and a half since I discovered Spring Awakening from my drama teacher, Mrs. C. :)
Blog will be up tonight with lots of SPRING AWAKENING pwnage and awesomeness, among other things.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
And All Shall Know the Wonder
So this is a quick update because I will be doing a video blog in the next day or two.
In a nutshell, I went to San Francisco three times in the past three days and will be going again on Sunday. Basically I have been spending my days in San Francisco...all for Spring Awakening! I watched the show twice in two days: dress rehearsals on Wednesday and the first performance in San Francisco on Thursday. The show is quite amazing. There are mature themes and little set pieces so it makes the audience create the environment for the show based on each person's experiences and feelings.
Well, going off to talk backs with the creative team of Spring Awakening in San Francisco! :)
In a nutshell, I went to San Francisco three times in the past three days and will be going again on Sunday. Basically I have been spending my days in San Francisco...all for Spring Awakening! I watched the show twice in two days: dress rehearsals on Wednesday and the first performance in San Francisco on Thursday. The show is quite amazing. There are mature themes and little set pieces so it makes the audience create the environment for the show based on each person's experiences and feelings.
Well, going off to talk backs with the creative team of Spring Awakening in San Francisco! :)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Go Bears!
Welcome to Welcome Week! This is it: I am now an official student at Berkeley. College seems like it's just another summer camp, but this time, it's real. So many exciting events to choose from. I've gotten so much free stuff and free food from Caltopia and the various events that go on every day.
Sunday was move-in. I live in a double suite in Foothill; it's fairly far everything and I need to climb a bunch of steps, but thank goodness all my classes are nearby. Suites are basically three to eleven room clusters with bathrooms. We have about nine rooms in our suite and two bathrooms. And our rooms are twice as large as the other res halls, but it does cost more to live here.
Classes officially started yesterday. The math discussion was basically a calculus review section. I was surprised that I actually remember msot of the topics and concepts that our GSI talked about. At Berkeley, I should mention that professors teach the lectures, but certain sections (mainly discussions) are led by GSIs which stands for Graduate Student Instructors. They are graduate students that lead discussion (meaning reviewing problems and concepts) sections.
And I was enrolled in Chemistry 4A and waitlisted in Chemistry 1A, so I ended up having a busy schedule full of non-stop classes. My schedule for Wednesday was quite packed:
8am-9am Calculus Discussion
11am-12pm Chemistry 1A Lecture
12pm-1pm Chemistry 4A Lecture
1pm-5pm Chemistry 1A Lab
As you can see, I didn't get a break at all in between classes after 11am. The dining common opens then so I did not eath lunch. Luckily, I got off the waitlist which I found out during the lab, so I don't need to attend 4A anymore! Now, I will actually have time for lunch.
Football is HUGE at Berkeley. Pretty much everyone goes to the all the games. There are numerous events, rallies leading up to Game Day. Rally Committee is an integral part of keeping up the spirit on campus, maintaining school traditions. They do a bunch of awesome things like card tricks, flag waving, and more. Flag waving as in 14-feet poles with humongous flags; not your average every day flag.
Here is everything above in a video: (Also, a tour of my dorm room.)
Sunday was move-in. I live in a double suite in Foothill; it's fairly far everything and I need to climb a bunch of steps, but thank goodness all my classes are nearby. Suites are basically three to eleven room clusters with bathrooms. We have about nine rooms in our suite and two bathrooms. And our rooms are twice as large as the other res halls, but it does cost more to live here.
Classes officially started yesterday. The math discussion was basically a calculus review section. I was surprised that I actually remember msot of the topics and concepts that our GSI talked about. At Berkeley, I should mention that professors teach the lectures, but certain sections (mainly discussions) are led by GSIs which stands for Graduate Student Instructors. They are graduate students that lead discussion (meaning reviewing problems and concepts) sections.
And I was enrolled in Chemistry 4A and waitlisted in Chemistry 1A, so I ended up having a busy schedule full of non-stop classes. My schedule for Wednesday was quite packed:
8am-9am Calculus Discussion
11am-12pm Chemistry 1A Lecture
12pm-1pm Chemistry 4A Lecture
1pm-5pm Chemistry 1A Lab
As you can see, I didn't get a break at all in between classes after 11am. The dining common opens then so I did not eath lunch. Luckily, I got off the waitlist which I found out during the lab, so I don't need to attend 4A anymore! Now, I will actually have time for lunch.
Football is HUGE at Berkeley. Pretty much everyone goes to the all the games. There are numerous events, rallies leading up to Game Day. Rally Committee is an integral part of keeping up the spirit on campus, maintaining school traditions. They do a bunch of awesome things like card tricks, flag waving, and more. Flag waving as in 14-feet poles with humongous flags; not your average every day flag.
Here is everything above in a video: (Also, a tour of my dorm room.)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Last Day of Summer & The Start of Something NEW
This is my last day of summer! Tomorrow I am moving to Berkeley, which is only an hour and a half away from my home. I should be packing right now, but I am too tired and lazy to do so. Labor Day weekend is coming up, so I might as well just come back next weekend and grab whatever I still need or forgot to bring. Isn't that much simpler than lugging everything and having so much stuff that I won't use? I am quite excited about living somewhere else than San Jose for a change. Berkeley has interesting shops and eateries. Besides, it's right across the bay from San Francisco. Since there's a BART station right next to campus, I can take it right into the city.
Also, tomorrow is the closing ceremony of the Olympics! We get cable in our room (included in our tuition) and I can't believe Berkeley has more channels than I do at home. There's everything but the premium channels. I could spend my whole academic at career in my dorm watching television, but that wouldn't be a smart thing to do: spend $26,000 a year on cable television. :P Hopefully my roommate has a spare TV to bring so we can watch the Olympics closing ceremony. If not, then I'll find some way to watch it. Maybe record it or find it online.
Well, I am headed off to Berkeley while all the other UC students are still squatting at home drooling for another month. This has been such an awesome summer and I am READY for school. Berkeley, HERE I COME! GO BEARS!
Also, tomorrow is the closing ceremony of the Olympics! We get cable in our room (included in our tuition) and I can't believe Berkeley has more channels than I do at home. There's everything but the premium channels. I could spend my whole academic at career in my dorm watching television, but that wouldn't be a smart thing to do: spend $26,000 a year on cable television. :P Hopefully my roommate has a spare TV to bring so we can watch the Olympics closing ceremony. If not, then I'll find some way to watch it. Maybe record it or find it online.
Well, I am headed off to Berkeley while all the other UC students are still squatting at home drooling for another month. This has been such an awesome summer and I am READY for school. Berkeley, HERE I COME! GO BEARS!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sweet Home California
I'M BACK HOME! It feels so great to be back home in my own warm bed, in my own clean bathroom, without the annoying mosquitoes and gianormous cockroaches. Now, I can finally enjoy things in the comfort of my home...like watching the Olympics!
And guess what was waiting for me when I got home? (This was totally unexpected.) I won free tickets to Warped Tour at Shoreline Amphitheatre this Friday from peta2!
This also arrived as well: my signed Legally Blonde Playbill! (Sorry, didn't get a chance to rotate the photo.)
Now I'm off to watch Olympic re-runs on TV. Stupid time difference. Go TEAM USA!
And guess what was waiting for me when I got home? (This was totally unexpected.) I won free tickets to Warped Tour at Shoreline Amphitheatre this Friday from peta2!
This also arrived as well: my signed Legally Blonde Playbill! (Sorry, didn't get a chance to rotate the photo.)
Now I'm off to watch Olympic re-runs on TV. Stupid time difference. Go TEAM USA!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Lounge
For another time here in Taiwan, I have internet. Currently, I'm in the Evergreen Lounge. There's unlimited food and beverage, live Olympic coverage of the USA vs. China men's basketball game, and Wi-Fi. How sweet is that? There are dozens of people here on their computers chatting, doing business, and other things. The guy next to me is on facebook. There's also a game room with four Xbox 360 consoles.
My flight leaves in about 50 minutes, but boarding begins in 20. For sure, this will be the last time I will have access to internet until I get home. My Olympic fever is getting more and more severe as the days progress. See you guys in 12 hours!
My flight leaves in about 50 minutes, but boarding begins in 20. For sure, this will be the last time I will have access to internet until I get home. My Olympic fever is getting more and more severe as the days progress. See you guys in 12 hours!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Local Time: Sunday, August 10, 2008 1:31am
Don't you hate it when you lose a very LONG post that you put alot of effort and insight into it? I do.
It just happened.
Expect a post when I get back home.
Don't you hate it when you lose a very LONG post that you put alot of effort and insight into it? I do.
It just happened.
Expect a post when I get back home.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Father's Day...Today?
Happy Father's Day! Make no mistake, today is Father's Day in Taiwan. In Chinese, father is ba ba, which sounds like 8/8 (August 8th). So the people of Taiwan celebrate their Father's Day each year on this day.
Also, I forgot to mention: According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, yesterday (lunar: 7th month of the 7th day, Gregorian: August 7th) was Valentine's Day. Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
So this should be my last post in Taiwan because I won't have internet connection until I land in the states Sunday night, unless I miraculously get internet. Anyways, this has been an fantastic trip, much different from previous trips. Although I didn't have many opportunities to explore the night markets, I had a great time living up in the mountains with my great aunt and uncle with the fresh air and nature. See you guys back in the states, for the five of you that read this blog. I'll upload videos onto YouTube once I get home.
Have fun watching the Olympics in Beijing!
Also, I forgot to mention: According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, yesterday (lunar: 7th month of the 7th day, Gregorian: August 7th) was Valentine's Day. Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
So this should be my last post in Taiwan because I won't have internet connection until I land in the states Sunday night, unless I miraculously get internet. Anyways, this has been an fantastic trip, much different from previous trips. Although I didn't have many opportunities to explore the night markets, I had a great time living up in the mountains with my great aunt and uncle with the fresh air and nature. See you guys back in the states, for the five of you that read this blog. I'll upload videos onto YouTube once I get home.
Have fun watching the Olympics in Beijing!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
MASSIVE Photo Update: Taiwan
Our plane to Taiwan
Night time in the sky
The bug that I found in my food
High Speed Rail from Taichung to Banciao/Taipei
The creek next to my great aunt and uncle's house after the flood
A warning sign next to the creek
Around the residence
The local police station
The sign post for our street
Inside Costco
Ximending, where they sell the latest fashions
Neidong National Forest
Neidong National Forest
Neidong National Forest
Neidong National Forest
Neidong National Forest
One of the many spiders I encountered in Neidong
Neidong National Forest
At the Computer Applications Show
Inside Taipei 101. It's basically this large mall selling expensive goods.
Another view inside Taipei 101
My cousin and I
My cousin with the large duck
Me and the large duck
My cousin and her broken umbrella
Dharma Drum Mountain
Dharma Drum Mountain
The infamous satellite houses located next to the ocean which have been unoccupied for more than 30 years
There's no place like home
The view of Danshui at sunset from the 24th floor of our building
Another view at sunset
My favorite shot of the sunset
The view of Danshui at night
Me at Starbucks
I leave Taiwan on Sunday! It's been a fun, long, and tiring trip. This trip has made me realize the numerous comforts of home.
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